81 - 90
 mora f., delay.
 dīlātio f., delaying.
 pondus n., a weight, burden.
 inertia f., ignorance, inactivity.
 īra f., anger.
 vectīgal f., an income.
 insānia f., infatuation, madness.
 genus n., kindred, family.
 aetas f., age, time of life.
 parsimōnia f., economy, thrift.
 verēcundia f., bashfulness.
 initium n., a beginning.
Nouns in -io often signify the action of the thing expressed, as potus, drink, potio, drinking, mora, delay, dilatio, delaying.
No king is quite happy.
  Nullus rex omnino beatus est.
The boy is not so fortunate as the girl.
  Puer non est tam felix quam puella.
The parent is fortunate if the son is prudent.
  Parens felix est, si filius est prudens.
A contented man is generally happy.
  Homo contentus plerumque est beatus.
If a man is not contented, he himself is generally the cause.
  Si homo non est contentus, ipse plerumque causa est.
Although a contented man is often poor, yet he is always happy.
  Quamquam homo contentus saepe pauper est, tamen semper est beatus.
Delay is dangerous.
  Mora est periculosa.
Delaying is often useful, sometimes indeed necessary.
  Saepe utilis est dilatio, interdum quidem necessaria.
Every beginning is difficult.
  Omne initium est difficile.
Calumny is an abominable thing.
  Res nefaria est calumnia.
Wind is not less beneficial than water.
  Ventus non minus salutaris est quam aqua.
Anger is a dangerous infatuation.
  Stulta est ira insania.
Economy is a lasting income.
  Parsimonia vectigal est perenne.
This burden is heavy, the other light.
  Pondus hoc grave est, alterum leve.
What is so shameful as profound ignorance?
  Quid tam turpe quam inertia profunda?
Too much bashfulness is sometimes injurious.
  Nimis multa verecundia interdum est noxia.
This ground is good, but the other is better.
  Solum hoc bonum est, sed alterum melius.
This age is by no means the most pious.
  Haec aetas minime est piissima.
Every race is not brave and warlike.
  Non omne genus forte est et bellicosum.
No edifice is so well known as the paternal home.
  Nullum aedificium tam est nobile quam domus paterna.
Every region is not fertile, for there is everywhere a great deal of barren land.
  Non omnis regio fertilis est, multa enim terra sterilis est ubique.
 plus (adv.), more.
 aeque (adv.), so, as well as, equally.
 cūr (adv.), why.
 quāre (adv.), why?, wherefore?
 qui (adv.), how?, why?
 secus (adv.), not so, otherwise.
 cum, quum (adv.), when, as.
 quando (adv.), when.
 an (adv.), or.
 utrum (adv.), whether.
 ita (adv.), so, thus, such.
 Qui ita est?
  How is it so?
 Cur puer est otiosus?
  Why is the boy idle?
 Quare aedificium tam altum est?
  Why is the building so high?
 Qui magis est docta puella quam puer?
  By what means is the girl more learned than the boy?
 Cibus non est paratus, cur1 non?
  The food is not prepared, why not?
 Cum discipulus meus est aeger, plerumque est piger.
  When my pupil is ill, he is generally lazy.
 Quum senex est infirmus saepe est iracundus.
  When the old man is infirm, he is often testy.
 Quando servus est diligens dominus est lenis.
  When the servant is diligent, the master is lenient.
 Quando igitur2 tyrannus turpis est?
  When therefore is a tyrant vile?
 Utrum ea vestra an3 nostra culpa est?
  Whether is that your fault or ours?
 Imperator ille plus4 quam sapiens Napoleon Tertius, nihil est nisi homo mortalis.
  That more than wise ruler Napoleon the Third, is nothing but a mortal man.
 Ita est.
  It is so.
 Ita est homo.
  Such is the man.
 Praeceptum secus est.
  The maxim is not so.
 Mea secus sententia est.
  My opinion is otherwise.
 Verecundia bonum est signum.
  Bashfulness is a good sign.
 Ira furor brevis est.
  Anger is a short madness.
 Mulier pia et prudens mater est mea.
  My mother is a pious and prudent woman.
 Unus homo beatus est, alter omnino miser.
  One man is happy, another is quite wretched.
 Hic cibus melius est paratus quam alter.
  This food is better prepared than the other.
 Homo scelestus et improbus semper est infelix.
  A wicked and dishonest man is always unhappy.
 Is solus est beatus, qui honestus est et contentus.
  He only is happy who is honourable and contented.
 Homo prudens et diligens plerumque est felix.
  A prudent and diligent man is generally happy.
 Senex plerumque minus bene vestitus est quam anus.
  The old man is generally less well dressed than the old woman.
 Mors certa est, et incerta an hac die ipsa.
  Death is certain, and uncertain whether on this very day.
 Vita non est ita quod omnis homo beatus est.
  Life is not so, that every man is happy.
 Non omnis homo pius est, non omnis enim homo est probus.
  Every man is not pious, for every man is not upright.
 (1) Cur non? Why not? Cur is used for why in affirmative as well as in interrogative sentences; quare only in direct questions, where an answer is expected; qui when how so? how is it that? by what means? is implied. Why? in direct questions is likewise rendered by quid, as quid ita? why so? (See Rem. Lesson 78)
 (2) Quando igitur?, when therefore? The English adverb when is sometimes rendered by cum, sometimes by quum, and sometimes by quando, as in the text. Quum and cum are different orthographies of the same word. In expressing present time indefinitely, when may be either rendered by cum, quum, or quando; but in expressing a definite period of past time quum or cum only used; quum or cum is likewise used in a variety of compound locutions, as quum plūrimum, most frequently; quum maxime, never more. In questions when is rendered by quando; quum or cum are never put interrogatively.
 (3) Vestra an nostra culpa, your fault or ours. An stands for or only when whether is expressed or understood in the sentence, as, utrum is est an non? or simply an is est? whether is it he or not?
 (4) Imperator ille plus quam sapiens, that more than wise emperor. Plus answers to more, when, over, beyond, or above is signified, as plus quam pius homo, a more than godly man, i.e. above, beyond, or over godly. In comparisons more is rendered by magis, as magis pius quam ego, more godly than I.
 volucris f., a bird.
 serpens c., a serpent, a reptile.
 pāvo c., a peacock.
 leo m., a lion.
 leaena f., a lioness.
 lūpus m., a wolf.
 lepus m., a hare.
 anser m., a goose.
 passer m., a sparrow.
 ostrea f., an oyster.
 elephantus m., an elephant.
 hirundo f., a swallow.
 cycnus, cygnus m., a swan.
 bōs c., an ox, bull, or cow.
Volucris signifies any creature that can fly, consequently may mean a winged insect as well as a bird, but it is mostly used in speaking generally of the feathered tribe.
Here is that more than illustrious city, Rome.
  Hic est urbs illa plus quam clara, Roma.
How is it that the oyster is so delicious?
  Qui tam dulcis est ostrea?
Why is meat so dear?
  Cur tam cara est caro?
Wherefore is the serpent so noxious?
  Quare tam noxius est serpens?
When an animal is docile, it is generally useful.
  Quando animal est docile, plerumque utile est.
Whether is the black swan rare or not?
  Utrum rarus est cygnus niger, an non?
The ant is a sedulous and assiduous insect.
  Sedula et assidua volucris est formica.
No animal is so crafty as the fox.
  Nullum animal tam callidum est quam vulpes.
The ox is a patient and valuable animal.
  Bos animal patiens est et pretiosum.
The lion is a brave and generous brute.
  Leo bellua fortis est et generosa.
No bird is so splendid as the peacock.
  Nulla tam splendida avis est quam pavo.
Every bird is not useful, nor is every insect noxious.
  Non omnis avis est utilis, nec omnis volucris noxia.
The lioness is much more terrible than the lion.
  Leaena multo magis est formidolosa quam leo.
The hare is a timid, but very swift creature.
  Lepus animal est formidolosum, sed valde velox.
The wolf is a fierce and ferocious wild beast.
  Ferox fera est lupus et vehemens.
What bird so stupid as the goose?
  Quae avis tam stulta quam anser?
The sparrow is a small but prolific bird.
  Passer avis est parva sed foecunda.
No animal is so vast, so strong, or so intelligent, as the elephant.
  Nullum animal tam immensum, tam forte, tamve sapiens quam elephantus.
The ostrich is a useful and docile bird, but the swallow is altogether unteachable.
  Struthiocamelus avis est utilis et docilis, sed hirundo omnino indocilis est.
 esse, to be.
 fuisse, to have been.
 esto, be.
 habēre, to have.
 habuisse, to have had.
 amāre, to love.
 diligere, to love.
 legere, to read.
 dicere, to say, speak, tell.
 vidēre, to see.
 audire, to hear.
 crēdere, to believe.
 servīre, to serve.
 intelligere, to understand.
 scīre, to know.
 nescīre, not to know, to be ignorant of.
 abīre, to go away.
 Semper esto diligens.
  Be always diligent.
 Miserabile est1 nihil amare.
  It is pitiable to love nothing.
 Pulchrum est semper verum dicere.
  It is beautiful always to tell the truth.
 Nihil tam turpe est quam ingratum esse.
  Nothing is so vile as to be ungrateful.
 Honestum est nunquam injustum fuisse.
  It is honourable never to have been unjust.
 Legere est facile, intelligere difficile.
  To read is easy, to understand difficult.
 Miserum verbum est habuisse et nihil habere.
  It is a wretched refrain, to have had, and to have nothing.
 Primum praeceptum est diligere2 et servire.
  The first commandment is to love and obey.
 Melius est nescire quam male scire.
  It is better not to know, than to know badly.
 Stultum est videre et audire et tamen non credere.
  To hear and see, and yet not believe, is folly.
 Frater tuus nondum est tam doctus quam meus.
  Your brother is not yet so learned as mine.
 Elephantus non est tam utilis quam bos.
  The elephant is not so useful as the ox.
 Non omnis fera est tam ferox tamve vehemens quam lupus.
  Every wild beast is not so ferocious or fierce as the wolf.
 Aqua multo magis est necessaria quam vinum.
  Water is much more necessary than wine.
 Vestis haec perennis est, alia splendida sed fragilis.
  This dress is durable, the other gay, but fragile.
 Res periculosa est lingua intemperans.
  An intemperate tongue is a dangerous thing.
 Omne praeceptum divinum bonum est et utile.
  Every divine precept is good and useful.
 Quamquam dominus noster est homo moderatus, minime est illiberalis.
  Although our master is a frugal man, he is by no means mean.
 Historia si vera non solum utilis est, sed etiam saepe salutaris.
  History, if true, is not only useful, but also beneficial.
 (1) Miserabile est, it is pitiable. The neuter form of the adjective miserabilis, is used in this sentence, because it is the predicate of the infinitive amare; and infinitives of verbs when used substantively, are of that gender.
 (2) Diligere et servire, to love and obey. The English verb to love is sometimes rendered by amare and sometimes by diligere. Amare signifies to love cordially; diligere to love dearly; that is, the one expresses the love of the heart, the other the love of the mind. Amare in some constructions, stands for to like, to be fond of, to be partial to. Diligere (from di-ligere, to choose apart), involves a notion of selection and is the proper equivalent for to love in such phrases, as to love peace and hate war, because a notion of preference is expressed; but, when to love is used indefinitely, it may be rendered by either amare or diligere.
 fluvius m., a river.
 flūmen n., a river.
 epistola f., a letter.
 sulcus m., a furrow.
 autumnus m., autumn.
 ver n., spring.
 aestas f., summer.
 hiems f., winter.
 ars f., power, art, skill.
 vērum n., truth, reason.
 vīcīnus m., a neighbor.
 consul m., a consul.
 amor m., love.
 clēmentia f., clemency, mercy.
 senectus f., age, old age.
 manus f., the hand.
When the noun river signifies a stream of moderate magnitude, it is rendered by fluvius; but when a deep, broad river is implied, by amnis. The word flumen means flowing, hence it is used to express anything that flows, as a current, a flood of tears, a running stream; and it is sometimes used instead of fluvius for river, in speaking of streams generally.
Every river is not deep.
  Non omnis fluvius (vel omne flumen) est altus.
It is a virtue not to know vice.
  Virtus est vitium nescire.
When is the teacher here?
  Quando hic est magister?
Whether is this your book or not?
  Utrum est hic liber tuus, an non?
Summer is my delight.
  Aestas gaudium est meum.
One climate is agreeable, another unpleasant.
  Una plaga est grata, altera molesta.
Spring is not so beautiful as autumn.
  Ver non tam pulchrum est quam autumnus.
Truth is eternal and unchangeable.
  Verum est aeternum et immutabile.
The peacock is not so stupid as the goose.
  Pavo non tam stultus est quam anser.
The hand is beautiful, if it is small.
  Manus est pulchra, si parva est.
Medicine is a most beneficent art.
  Maxime medicina ars est benigna.
Nothing is so worshipful as a calm and cheerful old age.
  Nihil est tam venerabile quam serena senectus et grata.
Winter is a cold but healthy season.
  Hiems temperies est frigida sed sana.
An old raven is often a crafty bird.
  Corvus senex saepe avis est callida.
A furrow is not productive unless deep and straight.
  Sulcus non est fructuosus nisi altus et rectus.
No virtue is more generous than mercy.
  Nulla virtus magis est generosa quam clementia.
A severe dictator is sometimes better than a lenient consul.
  Dictator severus interdum melior est quam consul lenis.
All history is not useful, for all history is not true.
  Tota historia non est utilis, tota enim historia non est vera.
Nothing is more honourable, than to have always been just.
  Nihil magis honestum est, quam semper justum fuisse.
The merchant is not a rich man, but he is diligent and upright.
  Mercator dives non est, sed homo diligens est et probus.
 īdem eadem idem, the same, the same person.
 āter -tra -trum,1 black, brown, gloomy, stormy.
 taeter -tra -trum, mischievous, hideous, foul, nasty.
 tēter -tra -trum, mischievous, hideous, foul, nasty.
 aliēnus -a -um,2 another man's, alien, offensive.
 tūtus -a -um,3 safe, secure, out of danger.
 salvus -a -um, safe, sound, well.
 secundus -a -um, second, next, prosperous, favourable.
 adversus -a -um, adverse, unfavourable, unseasonable.
 (1) Ater stands for black when a dark colour is implied, as vinum atrum, a black or dark coloured wine; under most other circumstances black is rendered by niger.
 (2) Alienus signifies of or belonging to another person or country, and is equivalent to such English locutions, as, the affairs of others, other people's business.
 (3) Tutus stands for safe when danger is no longer to be apprehended, and salvus when danger is to be feared, or less been recently escaped.
 Animus semper est idem, anima eadem, corpus idem.
  The mind is always the same, the soul the same, and the body the same.
 Difficilis, facilis, gratus et ingratus est idem.2
  He the same person is rude and courteous, kind and unkind.
 Amica mea est prudens, sedula, diligens; eadem pia est, fidelis et proba.
  My friend is prudent, sedulous and diligent; the same person is pious, faithful, and upright.
 Hic omnis infelix exul tutus est.
  Every unfortunate exile is safe here.
 Senex salvus est et gratus.
  The old man is well and thankful.
 Fortuna nunquam longa est secunda.
  Fortune is never long favourable.
 Ater panis valde sanus est.
  Brown bread is very wholesome.
 Res aqua stagnans tetra est.
  Stagnant water is a foul thing.
 Utrum est vinum atrum an album?
  Whether is the wine black or white?
 Quando coelum est obscurum, nox est tetra.
  When the sky is obscure, the night is hideous.
 Tyrannus crudelis teter est dominus.
  A cruel tyrant is a hideous master.
 Suum genus magis carum est quam alienum.
  One's own family is dearer than another man's.
 Civitas non est tuta, quando bellum est.
  The state is not safe when there is war.
 Homo scelestus nunquam est tutus.
  A wicked man is never safe.
 Frater tuus est salvus, si hic nuntius verus est.
  Your brother is safe, if this news is true.
 Nihil est secundum, quando tempus est adversum.
  Nothing is prosperous when the time is unseasonable.
 Quum bellum est adversum, pax plerumque est difficilis.
  When the war is unfavourable, peace is generally difficult.
 Quamquam apis valde parva est, tamen est admodum sedula.
  Although the bee is small, yet it is very sedulous.
 Hoc opus non idem est, quod est alterum.2
  This work is not the same as the other.
 (1) Difficilis est idem, he, the same person, is rude. Idem, as in this sentence, has sometimes the power of he, she, or it the same.
 (2) Quod est alterum, as the other. After same, the particle as becomes a relative pronoun, and is rendered by qui, quae, or quod. (See Lesson 46)
 dux c., a leader, chief, general, or admiral.
 forma f., shape, figure, form, beauty.
 apparātus m., preparing, preparation, an entertainment.
 familiāris m., a companion, an intimate, a familiar friend.
 cupiditas f., desire, thirst, passion, covetousness.
 pestis f., a pest, destruction, ruin, calamity.
 vulgus m. or n., the vulgar, the common people, a mob.
 fidēs f., faith, trust, fidelity, integrity.
 patria f., the native soil, one's own country.
The possesive pronouns, my, thy, your, his, her, its, their, when used with the word country, are not expressed in Latin. (See Rem. Lesson 26)
The one entertainment is the same as the other.
  Unus apparatus est idem, qui est alter.
That dress is the same as this.
  Illa vestis est eadem, quae est haec.
This statue is the same as that.
  Hoc signum est idem, quod illud est.
Is this the same law?
  Haec lex est eadem?
Winter is often a hideous season.
  Tetra saepe hiems est temperies.
Every leader is not wise and prudent.
  Non omnis dux est sapiens et prudens.
Beauty is a frail and fleeting thing.
  Res forma fragilis est et fugax.
One's own country is always beautiful.
  Pulchra semper est patria.
No infatuation is so vile as covetousness.
  Nulla insania tam turpis est quam cupiditas.
What pest is so abominable as calumny?
  Quae pestis tam nefaria est quam calumnia?
A ferocious mob is generally a harsh judge.
  Plerumque ferox vulgus durus est judex.
The state is always safe if the sovereign is prudent.
  Civitas semper salva est, si imperator est prudens.
Your brother is my school-fellow and intimate friend.
  Frater tuus sodalis et familiaris est meus.
The sky is sometimes calm, sometimes stormy.
  Interdum coelum est serenum, interdum atrum.
No one is a good citizen, who is not honest and just.
  Nemo bonus est civis, qui non probus est et justus.
Your advice is always the same.
  Consilium tuum semper est idem.
Is your opinion always the same?
  Tua sententia semper est eadem?
How is that your opinion is always the same?
  Qui tua sententia semper eadem est?
He, the same person, is haughty and generous, lenient and cruel.
  Excelsus et generosus, lenis et crudelis est idem.
The general is temperate, grave, and prudent; he, the same person, is affable, liberal, and kind.
  Dux est temperans, gravis, prudens; idem est comis, liberalis et gratus.
 libere (adv.), freely.
 plāne (adv.), openly, plainly.
 certe (adv.), certainly.
 paene, pēne (adv.), almost, in a manner.
 perspicue (adv.), perspicuously, evidently, clearly.
 libīdinōse (adv.), wilfully, wantonly, by caprice.
 temere (adv.), rashly.
 facile (adv.), easily.
 egregie (adv.), admirably.
 perpetuo (adv.), continually, perpetually.
 cito (adv.), quickly.
 rāro (adv.), seldom, rarely.
 merito (adv.), deservedly.
 salūbriter (adv.), wholesomely.
 vēlōciter (adv.), swiftly, rapidly.
 leviter (adv.), slightly, gently.
 libenter (adv.), willingly, gladly.
 audacter (adv.), boldly.
 impudenter (adv.), impudently.
 fidēliter (adv.), faithfully.
Adverbs are mostly formed from adjectives by changing the last syllable into -e, -o, or adding -ter, iter, with an occasional euphonic modification of the root, as from facilis, easy, is formed facile, easily; from rārus, rare, rāro, rarely; from audax, bold, audacter, boldly; from vēlox, swift, vēlōciter, swiftly.
 Homo industrius raro est pauper.
  An industrious man is seldom poor.
 Senex ille leviter vestitus est.
  That old man is slightly clad.
 Pene discipulus meus adhuc est puer.
  My pupil in a manner is still a boy.
 Hic cibus cito paratus est.
  This food is quickly prepared.
 Egregie liber tuus scriptus est.
  Your book is admirably written.
 Unus fluvius est longus, alter brevis.
  One river is long, another short.
 Bonus judex salubriter est severus.
  A good judge is wholesomely severe.
 Rex prudens non facile victus est.
  A prudent king is not easily vanquished.
 Fortuna nunquam est perpetuo bona.
  Fortune is never continually good.
 Quam temere! quam libidinose! quam impudenter!
  How rashly! How wilfully! How impudently!
 Honestum est audacter et libere dicere.
  It is honourable to speak freely and boldly.
 Virtus est bene et fideliter servire.
  It is a virtue to serve well and faithfully.
 Pulchrum est verum libenter audire.
  It is beautiful to hear the truth willingly.
 Omnis homo probus merito est clarus.
  Every upright man is deservedly admired.
 Legere est facile, legere plane et perspicue difficile.
  Legere[2単/直/受/現在|未来]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する(2)[3複/直/能/完了]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する(3)[不/能/現在]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する(4)[2単/命/受/現在]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する est[3単/直/能/現在](sum)である facile容易に/一般に/しばしば/快く(2)[m/f/n単奪]|[n単主/呼/対]容易な/軽い/準備ができている/丁寧な/礼儀正しい, legere[2単/直/受/現在|未来]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する(2)[3複/直/能/完了]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する(3)[不/能/現在]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する(4)[2単/命/受/現在]選び出す/拾い集める/巻き上げる/読む|(使者/使節を)派遣する/委任する/代理に任命する plane明らか/明快/明瞭/明白に/完全に(2)[m単呼]平ら/水平/平坦な/明らか/明快/明瞭/明白な etと/も/そして/~さえも perspicue明らかに difficile難しく/困難に(2)[m/f/n単奪]|[n単主/呼/対]難しい/困難な/頑固な.
  To read is easy, to read plainly and perspicuously difficult.
 Bene scire melius est, quam velociter scire.
  To know well is better than to know quickly.
 Imperator fortasse est callidus, certe est acutus.
  The emperor is perhaps crafty, clever he certainly is.
 Illa civitas nondum plane est inimica aut hostis.
  That state is not yet openly unfriendly or an enemy.
 Si homo est aegrotus, non est beatus.
  If a man is unhealthy, he is not happy.
 Amicus meus est aegrotus, beatus igitur non est.
  My friend is sickly, therefore he is not happy.
 Quamquam homo est aegrotus, interdum est beatus, sed non semper.
  Although a man is sickly, he is sometimes happy, but not always.
 firmus -a -um, firm, strong, solid.
 antīquus -a -um, old, ancient.
 compositus -a -um, quiet, demure.
 rēgius -a -um, regal, royal.
 crassus -a -um, fat, thick.
 densus -a -um, dense, thick.
 lātus -a -um, broad, wide.
 angustus -a -um, narrow, scanty.
 imperiōsus -a -um, imperious.
 mūnificus -a -um, munificent, generous.
 incautus -a -um, heedless, careless.
 credulus -a -um, credulous, that easily believes.
 constructus -a -um, built, constructed.
 exterus -a -um, outward, foreign.
 superbus -a -um, proud, brave.
 mortuus -a -um, dead.
 prīvātus -a -um, private.
 publicus -a -um, public.
 cavus -a -um, hollow, concave.
 consitus -a -um, sown, planted.
 fīdus -a -um, trusty, true.
 pestiferus -a -um, pestilent.
 situs -a -um, situated.
Your house is wholesomely situated.
  Domus tua salubriter sita est.
The long bench is too narrow.
  Scamnum longum nimis est angustum.
A trusty friend is a great treasure.
  Amicus magnus thesaurus est fidus.
The land is fat and fertile.
  Tellus crassa et fertilis est.
A field is not productive unless sown.
  Ager non est fructuosus nisi consitus.
The one globe is solid, the other hollow.
  Alter globus est solidus, alter cavus.
An imperious master is generally harsh also.
  Dominus imperiosus plerumque etiam durus est.
Love is a credulous and deceitful thing.
  Res est amor credula et mendax.
A prudent king is never proud or arrogant.
  Rex prudens superbus aut arrogans nunquam est.
The tyrant is dead, but not the tyranny.
  Tyrannus mortuus est, sed non tyrannis.
This is a public, the other a private building.
  Aedificium hoc publicum est, aliud privatum.
The forest is dense, obscure, and rugged.
  Saltus densus est, obscurus et asper.
The river is deep, but not broad.
  Fluvius est altus, sed non latus.
Rome is a very illustrious and ancient city.
  Urbs clara et antiqua Roma est.
The boy is troublesome, but the girl is docile and quiet.
  Puer est molestus, sed puella docilis et composita.
Every flower that is foreign, is not beautiful.
  Non omnis flos, qui est exterus, pulcher est.
The wall is solid and admirably constructed.
  Murus est firmus et egregie constructus.
Who so defiled as an unjust judge?
  Quis tam inquinatus quam judex injustus?
Nothing is so regal or so magnificent as clemency.
  Nihil est tam regium tamve magnificum quam clementia.
My pupil is by no means a heedless or negligent boy.
  Discipulus meus minime puer incautus est aut negligens.
 sum, I am.
 es, thou art, or you are.
 est, he, she, or it is.
 Homo sum.
  I am a man.
 Rex es.
  You are a king.
 Proba puella est haec.
  This is a good girl.
 Non ego sum mercator.
  I am not a merchant.
 Puer piger es.
  You are a lazy boy.
 Quid tu tristis es?
  Why are you (so) sad?
 Dux ego vester sum.
  I am your leader.
 Si tu es homo, es etiam mortalis.
  If you are a man, you are also mortal.
 Ego sum mortalis et tu quoque.
  I am a mortal, and you too.
 Discipulus probus es, si diligens es.
  You are a dutiful pupil, if you are diligent.
 Sum salvus si verus hic nuntius est.
  I am safe if this news is true.
 Ille homo est sodalis meus, et ego sum comes ejus.
  That man is my comrade, and I am his companion.
 Difficilis, facilis, negotiosus, otiosus es idem.
  You, the same person, are rude and courteous, active and indolent.
 Quando molle vinum est?
  When is wine mellow?
 Consul vir est maxime generosus et munificus.
  The consul is a most generous and munificent man.
 Nemo est tam regius tamve liberalis quam vester imperator.
  No one is so regal and munificent as your emperor.
 Haec via publica est, alia privata.
  This road is public, the other private.
 Saccharum hoc bonum est, sed aliud melius.
  This sugar is good, but the other is better.
 Ubicunque stagnans est aqua, pestifera regio est.
  Wherever there is stagnant water, the country is pestilent.
 Amicus meus nec est incautus, neque negligens.
  My friend is neither heedless nor negligent.
 Hic ager multo melius consitus est quam alter.
  This field is much better sown than the other.
 Ego sum homo, ergo sum mortalis.
  I am a man, therefore I am mortal.
 Homo sum1 igitur sum humanus.
  I am a man, therefore I am human.
 (1) Homo sum, I am a man. The personal pronouns I, thou, and you, are rendered by ego and tu. (See Lesson 38), but are generally dropped when nominative to a verb. (See Rem. Lesson 56)