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Adjectives of the third declension are those which have only one termination for all three genders. These, together with participles in -ans and -ens, are declined like nouns of the third declension, thus:─
  pugnax -ācis, pugnacious.
Mas./Fem. Neut.
Nom. pugnax pugnax
Gen. pugnāc-is pugnāc-is
Dat. pugnāc-i pugnāc-i
Acc. pugnāc-em pugnāc-em
Abl. pugnāc-e, -i pugnāc-e, -i
Voc. pugnax pugnax
Nom. pugnāc-ēs pugnāc-ia
Gen. pugnāc-ium pugnāc-ium
Dat. pugnāc-ibus pugnāc-ibus
Acc. pugnāc-ēs pugnāc-ia
Abl. pugnāc-ibus pugnāc-ibus
Voc. pugnāc-ēs pugnāc-ia
Though adjectives of this declension have only one termination in the singular, they have nevertheless two in the plural. This arises from the general rule that all neuter plurals have the nominative, accusative and vocative in -a. (See Lesson 40).
 (1) Adjectives of one termination generally admit of either -e or -i in the ablative singular, and -ium in the genitive plural. The following, however, have -e only in the ablative, and -um in the genitive plural:─
 pauper -eris, poor.
 sospes -itis, safe.
 hospes -itis, hospitable.
 āles -itis, winged.
Also compounds ending in -pes, as bipes -edis, two footed, and likewise participles in -ns, as amans, loving.
 (2) The following have either -e or -i in the ablative singular, and -um (not -ium) in the genitive plural:─
 dives -itis, rich.
 pūbes -eris, ripe in years.
 impūbes -eris, unripe in years.
 vigil -ilis, watchful.
 ūber -eris, fertile.
 memor -oris, mindful.
 pār paris, equal.
 juvenis -is, young.
 caelebs -ibis, single.
 compos -otis, partaking.
 impos -otis, unable.
 superstes -ites, surviving.
 senex senis, old.
 vetus -eris, old.
 supplex -icis, suppliant.
 inops -opis, needy.
Likewise compounds of the following:─
 color, as discolor -ōris, various in colour.
 corpor, as tricorpor -oris, three bodied.
 fex, as artifex -icis, skilful.
 ceps (from capio), as particeps -ipis, that has a share.
 gener, as dēgener -eris, degenerate.
And a few others.
 Dīves makes dītia in the neuter plural, but excepting dīves and vetus, that form of these adjectives is seldom found in use.
 (3) Some adjectives in -ens have a form of the nominative plural in -a for all genders, as fugiens -tis, fleeing, nom. plu.fugientia.
 duplex -icis, double.
 expers -ertis, destitute.
 quadrupes -pedis, four-footed.
 plus, pluris, more, many. plures, plura, in plu.
 complures -ium pl., in neut. complura or compluria, many, a great many, very many, several.
 constans -antis, steady, resolute.
 conveniens -entis, proper, convenable.
 praesens -entis, present, actual.
 virens -entis, flourishing, green.
 alluens -entis, washing.
 fulgens -entis, glittering.
 dicens -entis, saying.
 crescens -entis, increasing, augmenting.
 decedens -entis, departing.
 gemmans -antis, jewelled.
 excellens -entis, transcendent.
 aspernans -antis, refusing.
 habens -entis, having.
 sedens -entis, sitting.
 insidens -entis, sitting.
 surgens -entis, arising.
 fragrans -antis, odoriferous.
 praestans -antis, excelling, good.
 frequens -entis, common.
 Audentes fortuna juvat.
  Fortune aids daring (minds).
 Nonne in infima valle tugurium?
  Is there not a cottage at the bottom of the valley?
 Verbum sapienti sat est.
  A word is enough to the wise (man).
 Beati sunt pauperes spiritu.
  Blessed are the poor in spirit.
 Crescentem sequitur cura pecuniam.
  Care follows augmenting money.
 Quercus patula ingentes tendit ramos.
  The wide-spreading oak stretches forth huge branches.
 Animalia venator sequitur fugienta.
  The hunter pursues fleeing animals.
 Mors et fugaces persequitur viros.
  Death pursues even flying men.
 Sol crescentes decedens duplicat umbras.
  The sun departing makes two-fold increasing shadows.
 Reges nimis bellicosi felices nunquam sunt.
  Overwarlike kings are never happy.
 Vita est misero longa, felici brevis.
  Life is long to one that is wretched, short to one that is happy.
 Ferae rationis et orationis expertes sunt.
  Wild beasts are destitute of reason and speech.
 Miraris quoties pavo gemmantes explicat alas.
  You wonder as often as the peacock unfolds jewelled wings.
 Qui pugnaces sunt raro sunt prudentes.
  Those who are fond of fighting, rarely are prudent.
 Bestiarum more quadrupedum non debent agere homines.
  Men ought not to act like four-footed beasts.
 Res tam scelestae, tam atroces valde vituperandae sunt.
  Things so wicked, and so atrocious, are much to be blamed.
 Seneca vir erat excellentis ingenii atque doctrinae.
  Seneca was a man of transcendent talent and learning.
 Miles audax esse debet, omnes autem milites audaces non sunt.
  A soldier ought to be daring, but all soldiers are not daring.
 Si servus diligens laudandus est, diligentes etiam servi sunt laudandi.
  If a diligent servant ought to be praised, diligent servants ought also to be praised.
 Alius puer est ingenii mobilis erectique, alius tardi et hebetis.
  One is a boy of quick and lively disposition, another slow and dull.
 Viatores regis Hieronis domum, complures aedes sacros et fontem aquae dulcis invenerunt.
  The travellers discovered the palace of king Hiero, several sacred edifices, and a fountain of sweet water.
 Si mali omnes essent homines, qui esse dicuntur, plures mali essent quam nunc extant.
  If all men are bad who are said to be so, more would be bad than there are existing now.
 Si parentum omnium liberi pii et obedientes essent, omnes parentes essent felices.
  If the children of all parents were dutiful and obedient, all parents would be happy.
 ingens -entis, very great, a vast deal.
 efficax -ācis, effective.
 vetus -eris, former, past.
 vorax -ācis, greedy, voracious.
 valens -entis, able, healthy.
 misericors -dis, merciful.
 ingravescens -entis, increasing.
 audiens -entis, daring.
 ēsuriens -entis, hungry.
 sitiens -entis, thirsty.
 impendens -entis, hanging over, impending.
Render 'happy' throughout this exercise by felix, not beatus.
A happy man.
  Homo felix.
Happy men.
  Homines felices.
A poor girl.
  Puella pauper.
Poor girls.
  Puellae pauperes.
A fortunate transaction.
  Negotium felix.
Fortunate transactions.
  Negotia felicia.
The laws of a prudent king.
  Leges regis prudentis.
The word of a wise man.
  Verbum sapientis.
Blessed are the merciful.
  Beati sunt misericordes.
Stags are swift animals.
  Velocia cervi sunt animalia.
Good men are generally happy.
  Boni plerumque sunt felices.
Rich men are often miserable.
  Locupletes saepe miseri sunt.
Diligent boys are dutiful sons.
  Pueri diligentes pii sunt filii.
Boys are not always diligent.
  Pueri diligentes non semper sunt.
Children! always be dutiful and obedient.
  Liberi, semper pii et obedientes estote!
Daring men are not always prudent.
  Audaces non semper prudentes sunt.
Old men are not always wise.
  Senes non semper sunt sapientes.
All birds are two-footed.
  Omnes aves sunt bipedes.
Diligent servants are to be praised.
  Servi diligentes laudandi sunt.
Over-warlike kings are often atrocious men.
  Reges nimis bellicosi saepe homines sunt atroces.
Many nations are happy, but more wretched.
  Multae felices sunt gentes, miserae autem plures.
All men may be happy if they choose.
  Omnes homines possunt felices esse, si volunt.
Boys may be merry, but they ought not to be slothful.
  Jucundi esse possunt pueri, desides vero non esse debent.
Many soldiers are brave, but few are resolute.
  Multi fortes sunt milites, pauci autem constantes.
All men are mortal, rich as well as poor.
  Omnes homines sunt mortales et locupletes et pauperes.
The parents are happy when the children are attentive and mindful.
  Felices sunt parentes, si liberi vigiles sunt et memores.
The mind of a wise man is always tranquil.
  Mens sapientis semper est tranquilla.
Socrates was a man of transcendent talent and wisdom.
  Socrates vir excellentis ingenii erat et sapientiae.
Stags are not so strong as they are swift.
  Cervi non sunt aeque fortes ac veloces.
A great many soldiers are savage, daring, and fond of fighting.
  Complures milites immanes, audaces, pugnacesque sunt.
 mīror,2 I wonder or admire.
 mīrāris, thou wonderest or admirest, you wonder or admire.
 mīrātur, he wonders or admires.
 mīrāmur, we wonder or admire.
 mīrāmini, you wonder or admire.
 mīrantur, they wonder or admire.
 fateor, I confess.
 fatēris, thou confessest, you confess.
 fatētur, he confesses.
 fatēmur, we confess.
 fatēmini, you confess.
 fatentur, they confess.
 proficiscor, I go or am going.
 proficisceris, thou goest, etc., you go or are going.
 proficiscitur, he goes or is going.
 proficiscimur, we go or are going.
 proficiscimini, you go or are going.
 proficiscuntur, they go or are going.
 potior, I obtain.
 potīris, thou obtainest. you obtain.
 potītur, he obtains.
 potīmur, we obtain.
 potīmini, you obtain.
 potiuntur, they obtain.
 (1) Deponent verbs have passive forms with active meanings (See Rems. Lesson 11, and Rem.(3) Lesson 34).
 Tibi par ego non sum.
  I am not equal to you.
 Quid mihi facere potes?
  What can you do for me?
 Nos videt auditque Deus.
  God hears and sees us.
 Croesi divitiae ingens fuit.
  The wealth of Croesus was prodigious.
 Si vis pace, para bellum.
  If you wish for peace, prepare for war.
 Tu potes me amare si vis.
  You may love me, if you like.
 Quantam vis pecuniam tibi possum dare.
  I can give you as much money as you want.
 Lux alma donum naturae est benignissimum.
  Nourishing light is the most beneficent gift of nature.
 Mens tranquilla semper est contenta.
  A contented mind is always tranquil.
 Populus est alta proceraque arbor.
  The poplar is a tall and lofty tree.
 Parvum dicere, multum audire puer debet.
  A boy ought to say little and hear much.
 Ego te amo, ut tu me amas.
  I love you, as you love me.
 Cur tantum legit frater tuus?
  Why does your brother read so much?
 Quia puer est prudens et bene discere vult.
  Because he is a prudent boy, and wishes to learn well.
 Soror tua quam tu non est aeque alta.
  Your sister is not so tall as you (are).
 Coelum hic interdum est temperatum, sed non semper.
  The weather is sometimes mild here, but not always.
 Amo te, ita ut si filia esses mea.
  I love you as if you were my own child.
 Hodie non possum scribere, nec possum dicere quare.
  I cannot write to-day nor can I tell why.
 Omnis quadrupes currere potest, omne autem animal currere non potest.
  Every quadruped can run, but every animal cannot run.
 Testudo est animal, sed non potest currere.
  The tortoise is an animal, but it cannot run.
 Futura meliora esse possunt tempora, bona autem non sunt praesentia.
  Future times may be better, but the present are not good.
 Vesuvus vel Vesuvius mons est Italiae agros habens mirae fertilitatis, et planitiem cacumine sterilem, quae fumum flammasque interdum evomit.
  Vesuvius or Vesuvus is a mountain of Italy having fields of amazing fertility, and on the summit a barren plain, which sometimes emits smoke and flames.
 obtestor, I beseech.
 vēreor, I fear for.
 fruor, I enjoy.
 intuētur, he, she, or it looks on.
 dēpascitur, he, she, or it eats up.
 sequitur, he, she, it follows, or pursues.
 persequitur, he, she, or it pursues.
 queritur, he, she, it murmurs or complains.
 loquitur, he, she, it speaks or is speaking.
 complectitur, he, she, or it overcomes.
 expergiscitur, he, she, or it awakes.
 auspicantur, they begin, or are beginning.
 nīdulantur, they built their nests.
 queruntur, they murmur.
 sequuntur, they follow.
 ulciscuntur, they are avenging.
 loquēbantur, they spoke or talked.
 vēnābor, I shall hunt.
 progrediar, I go.
 suspicābar, I could imagine.
 moriātur, he should die.
 pollicērētur, he could promise.
 persequerētur, he might fall.
 morerētur, he should die.
You ought to love your parents.
  Tu parentes tuos diligere debes.
I wish to love you, but I cannot, nor can I tell why.
  Te volo amare, sed non possum, nec possum dicere quare.
An unfavourable breeze retards the vast ship.
  Aura ingentem impedit navem adversa.
Iron becomes daily more and more useful.
  Quotidie ferrum plus plusque utile fit.
Gold is more glittering, but not so useful as iron.
  Fulgentius aurum est, sed non tam utile quam ferrum.
Your friend's sister is a steady and mindful girl.
  Puella constans memorque amici soror est tui.
The girl is steady enough, but rather lazy.
  Puella satis est constans, sed pigrior.
The art of war is by no means an ignoble study.
  Studium nequaquam est res militaris inglorium.
My country-house is not far from where the chapel was situated.
  Villa mea haud procul est inde ubi aedes sita erat.
I love you as if you were my own son.
  Amo te, ita ac si esses filius meus.
Are there not some animals at the bottom of the trench?
  Nonne nonnulla imo vallo animalia?
The mother of the boy is said to have been a surly, testy, quarrelsome woman.
  Pueri mater mulier morosa, iracunda, jurgiosa, fuisse dicitur.
A commonwealth that is maritime is often powerful.
  Quae respublica est maritima saepe potens est.
A state that is not maritime cannot now be rich and powerful.
  Quae civitas maritima non est, nunc opulens potensque esse non potest.
If the law is consistent and merciful it ought to be praised, but if otherwise it is to be blamed.
  Si jus est aequabile clemensque, laudandum est; sed si aliter, vituperandum.
Acerra was an amusing companion, but a degenerate citizen.
  Acerra sodalis jucundus erat, degener autem civis.
When the people is turbulent, a state is never safe.
  Quando populus seditiosus est, civitas nunquam est tuta.
A commonwealth that is over-warlike is a nuisance to other nations.
  Quae respublica nimis est bellicosa, ea aliis nationibus damnum est.