21 - 27
The following adjectives form both the comparative and superlative irregularly:─
 bonus, melior, optimus.
  good, better, best.
 malus, pējor, pessimus.1
  bad, worse, worst.
 magnus, mājor, maximus.2
  great, greater, greatest.
 parvus, minor, minimus.
  small, less, least.
 multus, plūs, plūrimus.
  much, more, most.
 dīves/dīs, dīvitior/dītior, dīvitissimus/dītissimus.
  rich, richer, richest.
 nēquam, nēquior, nēquissimus.
  wicked, wickeder, most iniquitous.
 intus/internus, interior, intimus.
  inward, more inward, most inward.
 exterus/externus, exterior, extimus/extrēmus.
  outward, more outward, most outward.
 inferus/infernus, inferior, infimus/īmus.3
  low, lower, lowest.
 superus/supernus, superior, suprēmus/summus.4
  high, higher, highest.
The following are regular in the comparative, but form the superlative irregularly.
 mātūrus, mātūrior, māturrimus.
  ripe, riper, ripest.
 vetus, veterior, veterrimus.
  old, older, oldest.
 dexter, dextrior/dexterior, dextimus.
  on the right, more, most to the right.
 sinister, sinistior, sinistimus.
  on the left, more, most to the left.
 citer, citerior, citimus.
  near, nearer, nearest.
 posterus, posterior, postrēmus/postumus.5
  behind, latter, last.
The following adjectives in -is are regular in the comparative, but form the superlative by changing is into -limus, thus:─
 agilis, agilior, agillimus.
  nimble, nimbler, nimblest.
 facilis, facilior, facillimus.
  easy, easier, easiest.
 gracilis, gracilior, gracillimus.
  slender, more slender, most slender.
 humilis, humilior, humillimus.
  low, lower, lowest.
 similis, similior, simillimus.
  like, more like, most like.
 imbēcillis, imbēcillior, imbēcillimus.
  weak, weaker, weakest.
So also the compounds of facilis and similis, thus:─
 difficilis, difficilior, difficillimus.
  difficult, more difficult, most difficult.
 dissimilis, dissimilior, dissimillimus.
  unlike, more unlike, most unlike.
Compounds of -dicus, -ficus, -volus, -loquus, have -entior in the comparative, and -entissimus in the superlative, Ex.:─
 maledicus, maledicentior, maledicentissimus.
  abusive, more abusive, most abusive.
 magnificus, magnificentior, magnificentissimus.
  magnificent, more magnificent, most magnificent.
 benevolus, benevolentior, benevolentissimus.
  benevolent, more benevolent, most benevolent.
 (1) Comparatives in -or make the neuter in -us, as m./f. mājor, neut. mājus.
 (2) Maximus signifies the most considerable of the things compared, as well with regard to magnitude as superiority in other respects. The positive magnus answers to large, great, loud, (in speaking of a letter) long, (in speaking of the wind) high, consequently the superlative stands for largest, greatest, loudest, highest, very long, and so on. Maximus is likewise sometimes put for amplissimus, most spacious, and also for optimus, as the equivalent of mighty, or most mighty, and moreover will frequently admit of being rendered by the English superlative utmost.
 (3) Infimus generally signifies the lowest thing of many; imus, the lowest part of one thing, as infimus mons, the lowest mountain; imus mons, the mountain where it is lowest, i.e., the bottom of the mountain; so tellus ima, the earth where it is lowest, i.e., the deepest part of the earth.
 (4) Summus properly means the highest of the persons or things compared, whether as regards physical height or rank. The word is likewise used absolutely in speaking of high excellence, or extreme worthlessness, as summa audentia, the utmost daring; summa paupertas, the deepest poverty. In most constructions summus will admit of being rendered by highest or lowest, but the word is often put instead of maximus, when magnitude is implied for great, greatest, or very great. It also stands for most worthy, noblest, most eminent, consummate, and other such English intensitive expressions. Summus and supremus differ in the same way as imus and infimus; thus, summus mons means the mountain where it is highest, and not the highest mountain.
 (5) Posterior, the comparative of posterus, stands for after, latter, and sometimes answers to worse.
What is the superlative of bonus?
What is the comparative of malus?
What are the English equivalents of optimus?
What is the Latin for very bad?
What is the positive of minor?
How do comparatives in -or form the neuter? (Rem.(1))
What are the Latin equivalents of more? (See Rem.(4) Lesson 82, First Course.)
What are the chief meanings of maximus?
  largest, greatest, loudest, highest, very long
What is the difference between imus and infimus ?
  infimus[m単主](最上級)最低の, the lowest thing.
What part of speech is pejus?
What meanings has summus besides highest?
  greatest, most worthy, noblest, consummate
 et (conj.), and, also, even.
 quod (conj.), because, for.
 equidem (conj.), truly, indeed, certainly.
 nē (conj.), so as not, that not, lest.
 nī (conj.), if not, unless, save that, but that, that not, neither.
 sīve (couj.), or, either.
 sīve ... sīve, whether ... or.
 quīn (conj. & adv.), furthermore, therefore.
 saltem (conj.), at least.
 etsi (conj.), although, albeit.
 etiam (conj.), again and again.
 Campus humillimus est et difficillimus.
  The plain is very low and rugged.
 Panis bonus est, aqua melior, optimum vero vinum.
  The bread is good, the water is better, but the wine is best.
 Filius est malus, pejor filia, nepos autem pessimus.
  The son is bad, the daughter is worse, but the grandson is the worst.
 Equus est magnus, major struthiocamelus, elephantus autem maximus.
  The horse is large, the ostrich is larger, but the elephant is the largest.
 Hoc negotium est malum, illud autem pejus.
  This affair is bad, but that is worse.
 Templum illud magnum est, majus vero alterum.
  That temple is large, but the other is larger.
 Aliud corpus parvum est, aliud equidem minus.
  One body is small, another still less.
 Puer parvus est, puella vero minima.
  The boy is little, but the girl is least.
 Summus mons pulcherrimus est, etsi difficilis.
  The mountain where highest is most beautiful, albeit rugged.
 Ima vallis est fertilissima.
  The valley where lowest is most fertile.
 Deus optimus est.
  God is most perfect.
 Gubernator optimus non semper tutus est.
  The best pilot is not always safe.
 Filius quam filia equidem senior est.
  The son is certainly older than the daughter.
 Infimum est longum vallum.
  The long valley is the deepest.
 Est unus plus quam Solomon.
  There is one greater than Solomon.
 Optimus ille est, qui minus est improbus.
  He is the best who is the least unworthy.
 Optima interdum brevissima est dies.
  The shortest day is sometimes the best.
 Puer quam frater saltem agilior est.
  The boy is at least nimbler than his brother.
 Rex Romanus ultimus erat Tarquinius.
  Tarquin was the last Roman king.
 Nequior interdum latro quam fur.
  The highwayman is sometimes worse than the thief.
 Laus optima est, qui est justa.
  The best praise is that which is just.
 Demosthenes quam Cicero major fuit orator.
  Demosthenes was a greater orator than Cicero.
 Juvenis ille discipulus est meus, mercator ditissimus pater ejus est.
  That youth is my pupil, his father is a very rich merchant.
 Major pars melior est quam minor.
  The greater is better than the lesser part.
 Quid quam Roma melius?
  What is better than Rome?
 Quid pejus quam Scythicum frigus?
  What is worse than Scythian cold?
 Jupiter optimus, id est beneficentissimus.
  The most mighty Jupiter, that is, the most beneficent.
 Nonne liber facillimus est tuus?
  Is your book not very easy?
 fugax -ācis, transitory, flying.
 permanens -tis, permanent.
 mōriens -tis, dying.
 arrogans -tis, presumptuous.
 vehemens -tis, violent.
 nocens -tis, vexatious.
 elegans -tis, elegant.
 vīgil -is, vigilant, attentive.
 obēdiens -tis, obedient.
 trecenti -ae -a, three hundred.
 quātuor, four.
 quinque, five.
 sex, six.
 septem, seven.
 octo, eight.
 novem, nine.
 decem, ten.
 duodecim, twelve.
 vīginti, twenty.
 trīginta, thirty.
 duodēquadraginta, thirty-eight.
Liberality is good, generosity better, but prudence is best.
  Bona est munificentia, liberalitas melior, optima vero prudentia.
The thief is bad, the witness is worse, but the judge is worst.
  Fur malus est, testis est pejor, judex autem pessimus.
The forest is large, the valley is larger, but the plain is largest.
  Saltus est magnus, vallis est major, campus autem maximus.
The one poem is bad, but the other is worse.
  Alterum poema est malum, alterum autem pejus.
My granary is large, but yours is larger.
  Horreum magnum est meum, tuum vero majus.
This statue is small, the other less.
  Parvum hoc simulacrum est, alterum minus.
The mountain where highest is most rugged.
  Summus mons est asperrimus.
The valley where lowest is the most beautiful.
  Ima vallis est pulcherrima.
A severe father is generally better than a lenient one.
  Pater severus plerumque melior est quam lenis.
A parent is always the best adviser.
  Parens semper monitor est optimus.
The swan is much larger than the goose.
  Cygnus quam anser multo major est.
Codrus was the last Athenian king.
  Codrus ultimus rex erat Atheniensis.
Caesar was an illustrious man and a consummate general.
  Caesar vir erat clarus et dux summus.
Example is the best precept.
  Exemplum optimum est praeceptum.
Your king is a great deal older than your queen.
  Rex vester multo senior est quam regina vestra.
The last day is at least certain.
  Ultima dies saltem certa est.
Ireland is less than Britain, but larger than Sicily.
  Hibernia minor est quam Britannia, sed quam Sicilia major.
The mother is old, but the father much older.
  Mater senex est, pater autem multo senior.
It is best not to be presumptuous.
  Arrogans non esse, optimum est.
Cyrus dying was greater than his father.
  Cyrus moriens, major fuit quam pater.
 ars -tis f., power, virtue, quality, also science.
 merces -ēdis f. or merces -ium f. pl., a reward, also merchandise, or goods.
 quaestio -ōnis f., search, also a question.
 sermo -ōnis m., speech, conversation.
 Tamesis, Thamesis -is m., the Thames.
 Tiber -eris, or -bris m., the river Tiber.
 Tiberis -is m., the river Tiber.
 Hypanis -is m., a river flowing into the Black Sea.
 Apollo -inis m., the god of poetry.
 Dion -ōnis m., the name of a Sicilian nobleman, and of other personages.
 cunctātio -ōnis f., hesitation.
 tentātio -ōnis f., temptation.
 miserātio -ōnis f., mercy.
 dux -cis c., a guide.
 praeco -ōnis m., a herald.
 peccātor -ōris m., a sinner.
 tībīcen -inis m., a piper, or flute player.
 certāmen -inis n., a dispute, or struggle.
 pēs -dis m., the foot.
 auris -is f., the ear.
 pons -tis m., a bridge.
 tegmen -inis n., shade.
 sēdēs -is f., a seat, site, place, or point.
 haerēditas -ātis f., an inheritance.
 lassitūdo -dinis f., weariness, fatigue.
 Magna est haereditas tua, sed maxima mea.
  Your inheritance is large, but mine is largest.
 Haec epistola est maxima.
  This letter is very long.
 Jupiter optimus atque maximus.
  The most high and mighty Jupiter.
 Frater meus non est orator, sed vox ejus suavissima est et maxima.
  My brother is not an orator, but his voice is very soft and very loud.
 Praeco nequaquam fortis est, corpus vero ejus est maximum.
  The herald is by no means a strong man, but his body is very large.
 Theatrum est maximum signumque pulcherrimum.
  The theatre is very large and the statue very beautiful.
 Maxima laus est quae est justissima.
  The greatest praise is that which is most just.
 Maximum studium saepe necessarium est.
  The utmost application is sometimes necessary.
 Civitas optima ac maxima olim fuit Roma.
  Rome was formerly a most powerful and very great state.
 Parvum infortunium interdum maximum est lucrum.
  A small misfortune is sometimes a very great gain.
 Egestas malum1 vitium pejus est.
  The (so called) wickedness, misfortune, is a very bad vice.
 Europa quam Asia minor est.
  Europe is less than Asia.
 Agesilaus dux summus erat, animus ejus major erat quam corpus.
  Agesilaus was a most excellent general, his mind was greater than his body.
 Rex nullus ditior erat quam Croesus.
  No king was richer than Croesus.
 Hoc vinum multo melius est quam alterum.
  This wine is much better than the other.
 Nulla civitas quam Hibernia olim erat remotior.
  No state formerly was more remote than Ireland.
 Templum inferius est, turris autem superior.
  The temple is rather low, but the tower is rather high.
 Domus mea est dextima, ejus sinistima.
  My house is most to the right, his most to the left.
 Posterior quam Dion non sum.
  I am not later than Dion.
 Superior ramus idem est qui inferior.
  The upper branch is the same as the lower.
 Is qui senior est, noster superior est.
  He who is older, is our superior.
 Verres, civis Romanus homo nequissimus erat et avarissimus.
  Verres, the Roman citizen, was a most wicked and most covetous man.
 Quam benevolentia honestius magnificentiusque nihil est.
  Nothing is more honourable or grander than benevolence.
 Templum non solum amplissimum est, sed etiam magnificentissimum et locupletissimum.
  The temple is not only most spacious, but very rich and magnificent.
 (1) Egestas malum, the wickedness, misfortune, i.e., the misfortune that people call a crime.
 Mīlēsius -a -um, of or belonging to Miletus, Milesian.
 Nōlānus -a -um, of or belonging to Nola.
 pallidus -a -um. pale, wan.
 tacitus -a -um, taciturn, silent, mule.
 vitiōsus -a -um, faulty, defective, corroding.
 vestītus -a -um, clad, clothed, dressed.
 splendidus -a -um, brilliant.
 decimus -a -um, tenth.
 vānus -a -um, vain, frivolous, deceitful.
 sinister -tra -trum, on the left hand.
 diuturnus -a -um, enduring, permanent.
 inclytus -a -um, illustrious.
 assiduus -a -um, thrifty.
 sēditiōsus -a -um, turbulent.
 blandus -a -um, affable.
 crēber -bra -brum, close, frequent.
 insincērus -a -um, insincere.
 pius -a -um, dutiful.
 amātus -a -um, loved, beloved, liked, esteemed, dear.
 cārus -a -um, dear, valuable, glorious.
 solicitus -a -um, careful, earnest, anxious.
 āmissus -a -um, lost.
 peramplus -a -um, very stately.
 plusculus -a -um, a little more.
Napoleon the First was a great general, Caesar was greater, but Alexander was the greatest.
  Napoleon Primus dux erat magnus, major Caesar, maximus autem Alexander.
Cicero was a great orator, if not the greatest.
  Cicero magnus fuit orator, si non maximus.
The largest oyster is not always the best.
  Ostrea maxima non semper est optima.
Although that apple is large, it is not the largest.
  Quamquam pomum illud magnum est, non est maximum.
Rome was formerly a very large and a very beautiful city.
  Roma olim urbs maxima erat et pulcherrima.
The market-place is most spacious, and the temple most magnificent.
  Forum maximum est, templum magnificentissimum.
The older you are, the wiser you are.
  Quanto senior es, tanto sapientior.
The boy is much older than the girl.
  Puer quam puella multo senior est.
Am I not younger than Dion?
  Nonne junior sum quam Dion?
A fault is sometimes worse than a crime.
  Interdum culpa pejor est quam crimen.
Nothing is worse than falsehood.
  Nihil est pejus quam mendacium.
The lion is less than the tiger.
  Leo quam tigris minor est.
The crow is larger than the sparrow.
  Corvus quam passer major est.
The smaller the wound the greater the outcry.
  Quanto minus vulnus, clamor tanto major.
The servant is a great deal worse than the master.
  Servus quam dominus multo pejor est.
Cyrus the younger was an affable man and a great king.
  Cyrus minor vir erat blandus rexque magnus.
My neighbour is now a wiser and better man.
  Homo melior sapientiorque vicinus nunc est meus.
A disadvantageous peace is better than a most just war.
  Melior pax iniquissima quam est bellum justissimum.
If every king were warlike, every people would be wretched, for war is a very great evil.
  Si omnis rex esset bellicosus, omnis populus miser esset, nam bellum malum est maximum.
 eum, him.
 eōs, those, them.
 ējus, of him, of her, of it, of that, also his, her, its.
(See Rem.(4) Lesson 67.)
 eōrum, of them, their.
 ea, it, or that.
 cūjus, of whom, whose.
 quo, whom, which.
 quisque quaeque quodque, every man, every one, every thing.
 quisquam quaequam quidquam/quicquam, any one, any body, any thing.
 quīdam quaedam quoddam/quiddam, some person or thing, a certain, such a one.
 aliquis aliqua aliquod/aliquid, some, any, somebody, anybody.
 ecquis ecqua ecquod/ecquid, what, who, or what man. also, whether any man, woman, or anything.
 qua, what.
 quidquid, whatever.
 quotquot, as many as, how many soever, whoever.
 aliquot, some, a few.
 illum, him.
 illis, those.
 illōrum, of those.
 hōs, these.
 haec, these.
 sui, of himself, herself, or itself.
 iste ista istud gen. istius, this, that.
 istam, this.
 Summa liberalitas est voluptas.
  The highest pleasure is generosity.
 Ebriositas summum est vitium.
  Inebriety is the lowest vice.
 Summus dolor plerumque brevis est.
  The greatest grief is often short.
 Summum philosophia est studium.
  Philosophy is the noblest study.
 Hannibal imperator summus fuit.
  Hannibal was a very great commander.
 Summa potestas non semper est expetenda.
  The highest power is not always desirable.
 Difficultas quae summa est, summa est difficultas.
  The difficulty which is greatest, is the greatest difficulty.
 Quamquam Alcibiades dux summus fuit, tamen fuit vir jucundissimus.
  Though Alcibiades was a very eminent general, he was a most pleasant man.
 Virtus est summum bonum, nihil pulchrius, nihil amabilius, nihil pretiosius.
  Virtue is the greatest good, nothing is more beautiful, nothing more amiable, nothing more precious.
 Sermo opportunus est optimus.
  Timely advice is the best.
 Optimum condimentum fames.
  Hunger is the best sauce.
 Hodie miles ipse optimus est murus.
  In modern times the soldier himself is the best wall.
 Munus majus meliusve quam illud tibi afferre non possum.
  I cannot bring you a greater or better gift than this.
 Quanto domus inferior, tanto gloria superior.
  The humbler the family, the greater the glory.
 Quo est homo major, eo magis est humilis.
  The greater a man is, the humbler he is.
 Eo gravior dolor, quo culpa major.
  The greater the blame, the more grievous the sorrow.
 Dion familiaris erat meus, id est, amicus intimus meus.
  Dion was my companion, that is, my most intimate friend.
 Intimus animus suus, ut liber apertus est.
  His innermost mind is like an open book.
 Sol major quam luna minor quam terra est.
  The sun is larger than the moon, less than the earth.
 Paupertas gravissima saepe utilior est quam multa pecunia.
  The most severe poverty is often more useful than a great deal of money.
 Longe quam frater peritior es, sed non melior tamen.
  You are much more skilful than your brother, yet not much better.
 Pejus et nequius quam calumnia nihil est.
  There is nothing worse nor more wicked than calumny.
 Phocion erat ditissimus numquam, saepe autem potentissimus.
  Phocion never was very rich, but he was often very powerful.
 Homo scelestus beatus esse nunquam potest.
  A wicked man never can be happy.
 Mendacium et pejus et turpius est.
  Falsehood is both very bad and very disgraceful.
 Homo etiamsi jam doctus est, tamen adhuc discere debet.
  A man though he is already learned enough, ought still to learn.
 sumus, we are.
 estis, you are.
 sunt, they are.
 erāmus, we were.
 erātis, you were.
 erant, they were.
 fuīmus, we were, or have been.1
 fuistis, you were, or have been.
 fuērunt, they were, or have been.
 erimus, we shall, or will be.
 eritis, you shall, or will be.
 erunt, they shall, or will be.
 essēmus, we be, were, or would be.
 essētis, you be, were, or would be.
 essent, they be, were, or would be.
 fuissēmus, we had, or would have been.
 fuissētis, you had,or would have been.
 fuissent, they had,or would have been.
 (1) For distinction between the perfect and imperfect tenses, see Lesson 96, First Course, and Lesson 17, Present Course.
Were Dion and his son here?
  Hiccine Dion et filius erant?
Where have you been?
  Ubi fuistis?
The dictatorship was the highest power.
  Summum dictatura fuit imperium.
The blessing that is greatest, is the greatest good.
  Quod bonum est summum, id summum est bonum.
Agesilaus was a most eminent commander.
  Summus fuit Agesilaus imperator.
Alexander was certainly a consummate general.
  Alexander dux quidem summus fuit.
Nature is our best guide.
  Natura dux optimus est noster.
Virtue is the best nobility.
  Virtus optima est nobilitas.
Hunger is the best cook.
  Optimus coquus fames.
Silver is less precious than gold.
  Argentum minus est pretiosum quam aurum.
Iron is very often more useful than either gold or silver.
  Ferrum saepius quam vel argentum vel aurum est utilius.
The most beautiful apple is often the worst.
  Pomum pulcherrimum saepius est pessimum.
Although London is a very great city, it is not the greatest.
  Quanquam Londinum urbs admodum est magna, non est maxima.
An upright man is the best advocate.
  Vir probus defensor est optimus.
Ancient art was better than modern.
  Antiqua ars melior fuit quam hodierna.
The evil that is least, is the least evil.
  Malum quod minimum est, minimum est malum.
There is nothing better than a faithful friend.
  Melius quam amicus fidelis nihil est.
Pure water is very good, but good wine is better.
  Aqua pura valde bona est, sed vinum bonum melius.
A shameful flight is worse than death.
  Turpis fuga quam mors pejor est.
The wealthiest state is seldom the best.
  Civitas opulentissima non semper est optima.
The bottom of the mountain is generally the most fertile.
  Imus mons plerumque est fertilissimus.
The earth is larger and more spacious than the moon.
  Terra quam luna major ampliorque est.
Demosthenes is said to have been a greater orator than Cicero.
  Demosthenes orator major quam Cicero fuisse dicitur.