61 - 70
 socius m., a companion.
 sodālis c., a companion.
 comes c., a companion.
 poēta m., a poet.
 dictator m., a dictator.
 jānitor m., a door-keeper.
 scriptum n., a writing, work.
 contentio f., a straining, dispute.
 brevitas f., shortness, brevity.
 auctōritas f., authority, influence.
 pudor f., modesty.
 aedificium n., an edifice, building.
Socius like consors, signifies a sharer in the same fortune, and besides companion, stands for intimate, adherent, ally, confederate, companion-in-arms, and accomplice. Sodalis signifies a companion in a convivial sense, and answers to comrade, school-fellow, and also such familiar terms, as chum, crony. Comes properly means a fellow-traveller, but is equivalent to confidant, accessary, attendant, follower, and likewise means a count or earl.
Your brother is my schoolfellow.
  Frater tuus sodalis est meus.
My attendant is your friend.
  Comes meus amicus est tuus.
The emperor is our faithful ally.
  Imperator socius fidelis est noster.
Your doorkeeper is certainly very obliging.
  Janitor tuus quidem valde comis est.
Brevity is generally pleasing.
  Plerumque grata est brevitas.
This is another stick, it is not mine.
  Baculus hic est alius, non est meus.
The edifice is beautiful and very stately.
  Aedificium est pulchrum et admodum excelsum.
Wine is sometimes strong, sometimes mild.
  Vinum interdum est forte, interdum lene.
A well-disciplined man is always affable.
  Homo moderatus semper est comis.
A work that is costly is not always useful.
  Quod scriptum est pretiosum, non semper est utile.
The hyacinth is a very graceful flower.
  Flos valde venustus est hyacinthus.
If the poet is envious, his song is bitter.
  Si poeta invidus est, cantus suus est acerbus.
A dictator is sometimes cruel, but not always.
  Dictator interdum crudelis est, sed non semper.
Nothing is so disgraceful as a foolish dispute.
  Nihil tam est turpe quam mala contentio.
Too much influence is often a dangerous thing.
  Auctoritas nimis multa saepe res est periculosa.
Timid modesty is amiable and pleasing, but not always useful.
  Pudor formidolosus venustus est et gratus, sed non semper utile.
 patiens (adj.), enduring, patient.
 prūdens (adj.), prudent, wise.
 clēmens (adj.), clement, merciful.
 continens (adj.), abstemious, self-denying.
 diligens (adj.), diligent.
 neglegens, negligens (adj.), negligent, careless.
 temperans (adj.), temperate.
 intemperans (adj.), intemperate.
 vēcors (adj.), silly, frantic.
 senex (adj.), old.
 vēlox (adj.), swift.
 fugax (adj.), fleeting.
 pugnax (adj.), fond of fighting.
Some adjectives have only one termination for all three genders, as masculine diligens, feminine diligens, neuter diligens. The learner will understand that when an adjective is given without a feminine or neuter termination, it belong to this class.
 Servus patiens, serva patiens, animal patiens.
  A patient slave, a patient servant, a patient animal.
 Res est vita fugax.
  Life is a fleeting thing.
 Cervus animal est velox et venustum.
  The stag is a swift and graceful animal.
 Discipulus diligens filius est probus.
  A diligent pupil is a dutiful son.
 Metallum pulchrum, durum, et pretiosum est aurum.
  Gold is a beautiful, hard and precious metal.
 Frater tuus est sodalis et carus amicus meus.
  Your brother is my comrade and dear friend.
 Ille juvenis diligens est, alius negligens.
  That young man is diligent, the other careless.
 Comes meus homo est intemperans, tuus vir temperans.
  My companion is an intemperate man, yours a temperate man.
 Domina mea anus est et admodum iracunda.
  My mistress is an old woman and very irascible.
 Dictator, si vir moderatus, interdum est utilis.
  A dictator if a well-disciplined man, is sometimes useful.
 Is puer est probus, qui semper diligens est et industrius.
  He is a dutiful boy, who is always diligent and industrious.
 Quae puella est vecors et ingrata, ea non est puella venusta.
  A girl that is silly and disagreeable is not an amiable girl.
 Qui princeps est clemens, patiens et continens, is socius est pretiosus.
  A prince who is merciful, patient, and self-denying, is a valuable ally.
 Si homo liberalis etiam est prudens, is bonus est civis.
  If a liberal man is prudent also, he is a good citizen.
 Quamquam janitor noster saepe est aeger, tamen semper est contentus.
  Although our door-keeper is often ill, he is always contented.
 pax f., peace.
 lex f., a law.
 lux f., light.
 nix f., snow.
 nox f., night.
 nux f., a nut.
 vox f., a voice.
 regio f., a country, region.
 mendācium n., a falsehood.
 ebriositas f., inebriety.
 color m., a colour.
 fūr c., a vagabond, a thief.
In Plautus and the other writers the word fur signifies simply a slave, but in Cicero and the latter authors, the word becomes synonymous with vagabond. A similar interchange of verbal meaning is observed in English; thus the word knave (derived from the Saxon knabe, a boy) is used be Shakespear to designate a servant, though now only used in the sense of a rogue.
The boy is prudent, the girl is prudent, and the animal is prudent.
  Puer est prudens, puella est prudens et animal est prudens.
All praise is not just.
  Omnis laus non est justa.
Falsehood is indeed your delight.
  Mendacium quidem est gaudium tuum.
The human voice is very soft.
  Vox humana valde mitis est.
No gift is so precious as light.
  Donum quam lux nullum est tam pretiosum.
A cold region is generally healthy.
  Regio frigida plerumque est sana.
The night is very calm and clear.
  Nox valde serena est et splendida.
This nut is bitter, but the other is sweet.
  Haec nux aspera est, altera lenis.
Inebriety is certainly a disgraceful vice.
  Vitium quidem turpe est ebriositas.
This colour is pleasing, the other disagreeable.
  Hic color gratus est, alius ingratus.
Nothing is so pure and lovely as white snow.
  Nihil tam est purum et pulchrum quam nix alba.
If the site is wholesome, the building is generally healthy.
  Si positio est sana, aedificium plerumque est sanum.
One witness is an honest man, the other undoubtedly a thief.
  Alter testis homo est probus, alter quidem fur.
He is an upright citizen who is abstemious, temperate, and prudent.
  Is civis est probus qui continens, temperans et prudens est.
Our old door-keeper is an intemperate man, but he is a faithful servant.
  Senex janitor noster homo est intemperans, sed servus est fidelis.
 signum n., a sign, insignia, representation, figure, statue.
 simulācrum n., a resemblance, spectre, image, picture, statue.
 beneficium n., an advantage, kindness, blessing.
 fēlīcitas f., happiness, prosperity, success.
 supplicium m., supplication, panishment, public-execution.
 scelus n., a wicked thing, a fault, wickedness, villainy, guilt; also (m.), a wicked person, a villain.
 Res fugax est felicitas.
  Happiness is a fleeting thing.
 Non semper utile supplicium est.
  Punishment is not always useful.
 Signum illud est nobile et admodum excelsum.
  That statue is noble and very stately.
 Simulacrum hoc pulchrum est, aliud venustum.
  This statue is beautiful, the other graceful.
 Domus tua aedificium est magnum et splendidum.
  Your house is a large and splendid building.
 Scelus nullum est tam turpe quam mendacium.
  No wickedness is so shameful as falsehood.
 Si puer aeger est, plerumque est miser.
  If a boy is ill, he is generally wretched.
 Quamquam soror tua est parva tamen est venusta.
  Although your sister is little, she is nevertheless graceful.
 Servus meus est diligens, sed serva negligens nimium.
  My slave is diligent, but my servant is too careless.
 Testis improbus homo est miserabilis.
  A dishonest witness is a pitiable fellow.
 Lux beneficium est magnum et admirabile.
  Light is a great and wonderful blessing.
 Si scelus magnum est, supplicium etiam est magnum.
  If the guilt is great the punishment is great also.
 Is discipulus vecors est, qui semper piger est et otiosus.
  He is a silly pupil, who is always indolent and lazy.
 Rex vester homo est intemperans, sed regina vestra domina est prudens.
  Your king is an intemperate man, but your queen is a prudent woman.
 Nullus homo, qui non est moderatus, unquam omnino est contentus.
  No man who is not well-disciplined is ever quite contented.
 Si aqua est pura, sana est, si aliter noxia.
  If water is pure it is wholesome, if otherwise, pernicious.
The auxiliary is seldom expressed in the third clause of a sentence. (See Rem. Lesson 44)
 dīves (adj.), rich, abounding.
 locuplēs (adj.), rich, copious.
 opulens (adj.), opulent, wealthy.
 pauper (adj.), poor.
 bipēs (adj.), biped, two-footed.
 mendax (adj.), false, deceitful.
 stagnans (adj.), stagnant.
 atrox (adj.), atrocious.
 ferox (adj.), ferocious.
 arrogans (adj.), arrogant.
 dēses (adj.), slothful.
 audens (adj.), daring.
Rich, when abundance of money or possessions is implied, may generally rendered by dives; but, when full or luscious is signified, locuples is better; sometimes in this last sense generosus is used, as vinum generosum, rich wine.
A rich man is often wretched.
  Dives saepe est homo miser.
A poor man is often contented.
  Pauper saepe est homo contentus.
This is a large and opulent city.
  Haec urbs magna est et opulens.
Your door-keeper is very old.
  Janitor valde senex est tuum.
Life is short and fleeting.
  Brevis et fugax est vita.
Man is a two-footed animal.
  Homo est animal bipes.
A slothful life is a shameful life.
  Vita deses, turpis est vita.
A judge is atrocious, if he is cruel.
  Judex atrox est, si crudelis est.
A book if copious is generally easy.
  Liber si locuples, plerumque facilis est.
Stagnant water is very pernicious.
  Aqua stagnans valde est noxia.
A cruel mind is a ferocious mind.
  Animus crudelis, animus est ferox.
A well-disciplined man is never arrogant or ferocious.
  Homo moderatus nunquam est arrogans aut ferox.
If a bench is long it is very useful, but if otherwise, not so useful.
  Si scamnum est longum, est utile, si aliter, inutile.
An author is copious enough, if the book is otherwise good.
  Auctor satis est locuples, si aliter liber bonus est.
A man who is brave and daring is the best soldier.
  Homo qui fortis est et audens primus est miles.
A boy who is slothful and deceitful is an undutiful son.
  Qui puer deses est et mendax, is filius est improbus.
 magis (adv.), more.
 maxime (adv.), most.
 minus (adv.), less.
 minime (adv.), least.
 prīmum (adv.), first, at first.
 parum (adv.), too little, but little, insufficiently.
 sic (adv.), so, thus.
 luxuriōse (adv.), luxuriously.
 tantum (adv.), only.
 solum (adv.), only.
 modo (adv.), only.
 adhuc (adv.), hitherto, still.
 fere (adv.), almost, always.
 deinde (adv.), then, and then, from thence, next.
 tandem (adv.), at length, at last.
 saltem (adv.), at least, at all events, at any rate, anyhow.
Minime besides being equivalent to least, stands for at least, not the less, not at all, by no means, in no wise.
 Bellum adhuc incertum est.
  The war is still doubtful.
 Longe mors nunquam est.
  Death is never far off.
 Ager sterilis parum est utilis.
  Barren land is of but little use.
 Vinum primum asperum est, deinde molle.
  Wine is tart at first, and then mellow.
 Puer saepe deses est, puella minime saepe.
  The boy is often slothful, the girl least often.
 Miles est fortis, vel minime audens.
  The soldier is brave or at least daring.
 Mercator est dives, sed frater pauper ejus.
  The merchant is rich, but his brother is poor.
 Ter honestus est ille homo, qui probus, certus, et fidelis est.
  Thrice honourable is that man who is upright, trustworthy, and faithful.
 Ubicunque aqua est pura regio fere sana est.
  Wherever the water is pure, the country is mostly healthy.
 Quamquam janitor noster est pauper, non minus est contentus.
  Although our doorkeeper is poor, he is not the less contented.
 Maritus est negotiosus, uxor est magis negotiosa, sed filius maxime est negotiosus.
  The husband is active, the wife is more active, but the son is most active.
 Servus est industrius, serva est minus industria, sed coquus minime est industrius.
  The (man) servant is industrious, the (maid) servant is less industrious, but the cook is the least industrious.
 Tyrannus non modo est crudelis, sed etiam ferox.
  The tyrant is not only cruel, but also ferocious.
 Aqua non solum est pura, sed etiam sana.
  The water is not only pure, but wholesome also.
 Est hic tantum unus liber.
  There is only one book here.
Only, used in the sense of nothing but, is rendered by tantum, under other circumstances, when an adverb by modo or solum.
 victus -a -um, vanquished, conquered.
 obscurus -a -um, obscure, dark, dense.
 fructuōsus -a -um, fruitful, productive.
 amplus -a -um, spacious, stately.
 necessārius -a -um, necessary.
 vērus -a -um, true, real.
 rotundus -a -um, round.
 afflictus -a -um, afflicted.
 flāvus -a -um, yellow.
 perfectus -a -um, perfect.
 stultus -a -um, foolish, stupid.
 urbānus -a -um, of or belonging to the city, polite.
 rectus -a -m, straight, direct.
Gold is a bright and yellow metal.
  Metallum splendidum et flavum est aurum.
No man is quite perfect.
  Nullus homo est omnino perfectus.
A conquered king is generally prudent.
  Rex victus plerumque est prudens.
Diligence is always productive.
  Diligentia semper est fructuosa,
An old man is oftener afflicted than youth.
  Senex saepius quam juvenis afflictus est.
Wine is more necessary than water.
  Vinum magis est necessarium quam aqua.
An obscure author is sometimes useful.
  Auctor obscurus interdum est utilis.
Your brother is always affable and polite.
  Frater tuus semper comis est et urbanus.
The palace is a beautiful and very stately edifice.
  Palatium aedificium est pulchrum, et admodum excelsum.
The earth is a globe, but it is not quite round.
  Terra globus est, sed non omnino rotunda.
An upright man is generally a true and faithful friend.
  Homo probus plerumque amicus est verus et fidelis.
My pupil is much more industrious than yours.
  Discipulus meus multo magis industrius est quam tuus.
A boy who is always idle, is a foolish boy.
  Qui puer semper piger est, is puer est stultus.
The site is not only beautiful but healthy also.
  Positio non solum est pulchra, sed etiam sana.
My daughter is by no means handsome, but she is prudent and diligent.
  Filia mea minime est venusta, sed diligens quidem et prudens.
The merchant is not only rich, but generous and liberal also.
  Mercator non modo est locuples, sed etiam generosus et liberalis.
Here is the stupid old woman at last!
  Hic tandem anus est stulta!
 dulcis -e, sweet, charming, delicious, pleasing.
 suāvis -e, sweet, luscious, delightful, courteous.
 gravis -e, heavy, important, severe, grave.
 singularis -e, single, singular, strange, extraordinary, eccentric.
 perennis -e, lasting, durable, continual.
 Vestālis -e, of or belonging to Vesta, vestal.
 Splendida et gravis illa est causa.
  That cause is clear and important.
 Nihil est tam perenne quam aurum.
  Nothing is so durable as gold.
 Magister semper suavis est noster et urbanus.
  Our master is always courteous and polite.
 Latebra maxime singularis locus est mea.
  My hiding-place is a most singular locality.
 Illud simulacrum Vestale pulchrum est et admodum excelsum.
  That Vestal statue is beautiful and very stately.
 Comes meus amicus est probus, fidelis et verus.
  My companion is an honest, faithful, and true friend.
 Sodalis homo mendax, turpis et stultus est tuus.
  Your comrade is a deceitful, vile, and foolish man.
 Rotundus flavum annulus meus aurum est.
  My round yellow ring is gold.
 Haec nox est frigida, sed minime obscura.
  This night is cold, but by no means obscure.
 Nemo est perfectus, Deus solus est omnino perfectus.
  No one is perfect, God alone is quite perfect.
 Domus satis est ampla, sed hortus nimis est parvus.
  The house is spacious enough, but the garden is too small.
 Legatus vester non solum vir est callidus, sed etiam valde acutus.
  Your ambassador is not only a crafty man, but also very clever.
 Res acerba est contentio gravis.
  A severe contention is a bitter thing.
 Dominus homo est severus et arrogans.
  The master is a severe and arrogant man.
 Hoc vinum dulce, molle est et generosum.
  This wine is sweet, mellow, and rich.
 Suavis non est omnis flos.
  Every flower is not sweet.
Sweet may be rendered by dulcis when any of the senses is implied, but by suavis with the sense of taste or smell only. Severe is mostly rendered by severus in speaking of persons, and by gravis in speaking of things, as vir severus, a severe man, vulnus grave, a severe wound; but severus is also sometimes used with inanimate nouns, as poena severa, a severe punishment.
 culpa f., a fault, blame.
 crīmen n., a crime, a fault.
 clāmor m., an outcry, a shout.
 frons m./f., the brow, forehead.
 rectum n., integrity, right.
 mons m., a mountain.
 calumnia f., a calumny.
 paupertas f., poverty.
 sevēritas f., severity.
 lēnitas f., lenity.
 histōria f., history.
 līnea f., a line.
 exceptio f., an exception.
When the noun fault means something done wrong without forethought it is rendered by culpa, or vitium, and when premeditation is implied, by scelus or crimen.
If the fault is serious, the punishment is severe.
  Si scelus (vel crimen) est grave, poena est severa.
The punishment is severe, therefore the fault is serious.
  Poena severa est, ergo scelus est grave.
Integrity is true nobility.
  Rectum vera est nobilitas.
Every line is not straight.
  Non omnis linea recta est.
Calumny is an odious vice, if not a crime.
  Vitium calumnia invidiosum est, si non crimen.
History, if true, is a faithful monitor.
  Historia si vera monitor est fidelis.
If the forehead is high the mind is spacious.
  Si frons alta est, animus est amplus.
This water is by no means hot.
  Haec aqua minime calida est.
Nothing is so silly as a foolish shout.
  Nihil tam est vecors quam clamor stultus.
Severity is generally more beneficial than lenity.
  Severitas plerumque magis est salutaris quam lenitas.
One boundary is a forest, another a mountain.
  Unus limes saltus est, alter mons.
My pupil is a most industrious young man.
  Discipulus juvenis maxime industrius est meus.
A prudent man is never haughty or arrogant.
  Homo prudens numquam excelsus vel arrogans est.
Your friend is a very polite, but a very singular man.
  Amicus tuus vir est urbanus sed admodum singularis.
The boy is lazy, or at least indolent.
  Puer est piger vel saltem otiosus.
Your king is a brave soldier, but he is by no means prudent.
  Rex vester miles fortis est, sed minime prudens.
Although poverty is very unpleasant, yet it is often salutary.
  Quamquam paupertas admodum est molesta, tamen saepe est salutaris.
 est, there is some.
 est?, is there any?
The particles some and any when used in expressing an indefinite quantity are usually understood in Latin.
 Ibi est pecunia.
  There is some money.
 Hic est vinum?
  Is there any wine here?
 Ubi est?
  Where is it?
 Non est hoc satis.
  This is not enough.
 Mons est altus sed non difficilis.
  The mountain is high but not rugged.
 Flos splendidus et pulcher hyacinthus.
  The hyacinth is a gay and beautiful flower.
 Deus est justus, benignus et pater bonus.
  God is a just, a beautiful and a good father.
 Homo ille tam singularis comes est meus.
  That man so singular is my attendant.
 Rex vester homo est mendax et arrogans.
  Your king is a false and arrogant man.
 Regina nostra domina est clara et amica generosa.
  Our queen is an illustrious lady and a generous friend.
 Juvenis negotiosus plerumque sanus est et gratus.
  An active young man is generally healthy and agreeable.
 Qui animus est aegrotus, is non sanus est animus.
  A mind that is diseased, is not a healthy mind.
 Illa mensa est rotunda, illud scamnum longum.
  That table is round, that bench long.
 Senex mercator est locuples, et amicus carus meus.
  The old man is a rich merchant, and my dear friend.
 Omnis laus est noxia, quae justa non est.
  All praise is injurious, that is not just.
 Discipulus meus saepe tristis est vel minime gravis.
  My pupil is often sad or at least grave.
 Filius tuus sat est venustus, si probus est.
  Your son is handsome enough, if he is good.
 Quamquam hoc vinum est asperum, tamen admodum est generosum.
  Though this wine is tart, yet it is very rich.