1. nクイーン問題
著者:梅谷 武
nクイーン問題nくいーんもんだい, n-queen problem(n-queen problem)とはn×nのチェス盤上にn個のクイーンを置いて互いに相手の利きが当たらないようにする問題である。クイーンは将棋の飛車と角を合わせた動きをする駒であり、盤上の上下、左右、斜め方向のすべての枡目に利きがある。
#lang racket
(require iso-printf)
(define (print-matrix mat)
  (for ([i n])
    (for ([j n])
      (printf "(%d,%d)" i j))
    (printf "\n"))
  (printf "\n"))
(define n 8)
(define board (for/vector ([i n]) (make-vector n 0)))
(print-matrix board)

(define n 8)
(define (print-board n pos)
  (for ([i n])
    (for ([j n])
      (if (= (list-ref pos i) j)
        (printf "Q ")
        (printf ". ")))
    (printf "\n"))
  (printf "\n"))
(print-board n '(0 4 7 5 2 6 1 3))

Q . . . . . . . 
. . . . Q . . . 
. . . . . . . Q 
. . . . . Q . . 
. . Q . . . . . 
. . . . . . Q . 
. Q . . . . . . 
. . . Q . . . . 
|x - z| = |y - w|
(define count 0)
(define (hit? pos row col)
  (for/or ([i row])
    (define j (list-ref pos i))
    (= (abs (- row i)) (abs (- col j)))))
(define (nqueen n pos)
  (define row (length pos))
  (displayln pos)
    [(>= count 1) (void)]
    [(= n row)
      (print-board n pos)
      (set! count (+ count 1))]
      (for ([i n])
        (unless (or (member i pos) (hit? pos row i))
          (nqueen n (append pos (list i)))))]))
(define n 4)
(nqueen n '())

(0 2)
(0 3)
(0 3 1)
(1 3)
(1 3 0)
(1 3 0 2)
. Q . . 
. . . Q 
Q . . . 
. . Q . 


#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <print>
#include <vector>
int count = 0;
void printBoard(int n, const std::vector<int> &pos) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
      if (pos[i] == j) {
        std::print("Q ");
      } else {
        std::print(". ");
bool hit(const std::vector<int> &pos, int row, int col) {
  for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i) {
    int j = pos[i];
    if (std::abs(row - i) == std::abs(col - j)) {
      return true;
  return false;
void nQueen(int n, std::vector<int> pos) {
  int row = pos.size();
  if (row == n) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (std::find(pos.begin(), pos.end(), i) == pos.end() && !hit(pos, row, i)) {
      nQueen(n, pos);
int main() {
  int n = 12;
  nQueen(n, {});
  std::print("n = {}, count = {}\n", n, count);
  return 0;

CPPG = g++
CPPL = clang++
CPPFLAGS = -std=c++23 -O2
SRC = nqueen.cpp
EXES = nqueen_g nqueen_l
all: $(EXES)
nqueen_g: $(SRC)
	$(CPPG) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(SRC)
nqueen_l: $(SRC)
	$(CPPL) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(SRC)
	rm -f $(EXES)

$ measure ./nqueen_g
n = 12, count = 14200
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  0.212389 [sec]
mem  size:       3720 [KB]
code size:        118 [KB]
$ measure ./nqueen_l
n = 12, count = 14200
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  0.218726 [sec]
mem  size:       3760 [KB]
code size:         91 [KB]
open Printf
let count = ref 0
let print_board n pos =
  for i = 0 to n - 1 do
    for j = 0 to n - 1 do
      if List.nth pos i = j then
        printf "Q "
        printf ". "
    printf "\n"
  printf "\n"
let hit pos row col =
  let rec check i =
    if i >= row then false
      let j = List.nth pos i in
      if abs (row - i) = abs (col - j) then true
      else check (i + 1)
  check 0
let rec nqueen n pos =
  let row = List.length pos in
  if row = n then
    count := !count + 1
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      if not (List.mem i pos) && not (hit pos row i) then
        nqueen n (pos @ [i])
let () =
  let n = 12 in
  nqueen n [];
  printf "n = %d, count = %d\n" n !count

$ ocamlopt -O2 -o nqueen nqueen.ml
$ measure ./nqueen
n = 12, count = 14200
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  1.130500 [sec]
mem  size:       5152 [KB]
code size:       2363 [KB]
#lang racket
(require iso-printf)
(define count 0)
(define (print-board n pos)
  (for ([i n])
    (for ([j n])
      (if (= (list-ref pos i) j)
        (printf "Q ")
        (printf ". ")))
    (printf "\n"))
  (printf "\n"))
(define (hit? pos row col)
  (for/or ([i row])
    (define j (list-ref pos i))
    (= (abs (- row i)) (abs (- col j)))))
(define (nqueen n pos)
  (define row (length pos))
  ;(displayln pos)
    ;[(>= count 1) (void)]
    [(= n row)
      ;(print-board n pos)
      (set! count (+ count 1))]
      (for ([i n])
        (unless (or (member i pos) (hit? pos row i))
          (nqueen n (append pos (list i)))))]))
(define n 12)
(nqueen n '())
(printf "n = %d, count = %d\n" n count)
(printf "Total number of solutions: ~a\n" count)

$ raco exe nqueen.rkt
$ measure ./nqueen
n = 12, count = 14200
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  3.260200 [sec]
mem  size:     134392 [KB]
code size:      12444 [KB]
測定項目 GCC Clang OCaml Racket
12-queen 0.212 0.219 1.131 3.260
[1] Wikipedia, Eight queens puzzle, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2024
語  句
nクイーン問題 nくいーんもんだい, n-queen problem
This document is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (C) 2024 Takeshi Umetani