4. 二分木
著者:梅谷 武


 モジュールについての概説はThe Racket Guide>6 Modulesにある。赤黒木の実装はパッケージ:data-red-blackを用いる。これは次のようにインストールする。
raco pkg install data-red-black
詳細はdata-red-black: augmented red black tree structuresを参照のこと。
  1. 入力ファイルを読み込み、入力リスト:lstに格納
  2. lstの要素を空ノードに挿入し、二分木:rootを生成
  3. 二分木:rootをlstの全要素で探索
  4. 二分木を走査しながら昇順整列し、出力リスト:lst2に格納
  5. lst2を出力ファイルに書き出す


#include <deque>
#include <set>
#ifndef BTREE_H
#define BTREE_H
namespace ume {
  template <typename T>
  class BTree {
    virtual bool search(const T &value) const = 0;
    virtual void insert(const T &value) = 0;
    virtual int size() const = 0;
    virtual std::deque<T> sort() const = 0;
    virtual ~BTree() {}
  template <typename T>
  class SBTree : public BTree<T> {
    struct Node {
      T data;
      Node *left;
      Node *right;
      Node(const T &value) : data(value), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
    Node *root;
    int numNodes;
    bool search(Node *node, const T &value) const {
      if (node == nullptr)
        return false;
      else if (value == node->data)
        return true;
      else if (value < node->data)
        return search(node->left, value);
        return search(node->right, value);
    void insert(Node *&node, const T &value) {
      if (node == nullptr) {
        node = new Node(value);
      } else if (value < node->data)
        insert(node->left, value);
      else if (value > node->data)
        insert(node->right, value);
    void inorderTraversal(Node *node, std::deque<T> &result) const {
      if (node == nullptr)
      inorderTraversal(node->left, result);
      inorderTraversal(node->right, result);
    void destroyTree(Node *node) {
      if (node == nullptr)
      delete node;
    SBTree() : root(nullptr), numNodes(0) {}
    bool search(const T &value) const override {
      return search(root, value);
    void insert(const T &value) override {
      insert(root, value);
    int size() const override {
      return numNodes;
    std::deque<T> sort() const override {
      std::deque<T> result;
      inorderTraversal(root, result);
      return result;
    ~SBTree() {
  template <typename T>
  class RBTree : public BTree<T> {
    std::set<T> rbTree;
    bool search(const T &value) const override {
      return rbTree.find(value) != rbTree.end();
    void insert(const T &value) override {
    int size() const override {
      return rbTree.size();
    std::deque<T> sort() const override {
      std::deque<T> result;
      for (const auto &value : rbTree)
      return result;
} // namespace ume
#endif // BTREE_H

 Set.Makeファンクターを利用するために通常の「'a t」形式のpolymorphismを使うことができない。シグネチャはSet.Makeファンクターにより作られる型のシグネチャに合わせる形になる。赤黒木をスクラッチで書けば「'a t」形式を実現できるので興味ある方は挑戦してみていただきたい。
 ソースファイル:btree.ml内に書かれたコードには自動的にモジュール名:Btreeが付与される。したがってSBTreeとRBTreeはBtree.SBTree, Btree.RBTreeという名前で参照される。
module type BTree = sig
  type elt
  type t
  val empty : t
  val search : elt -> t -> bool
  val insert : elt -> t -> t
  val size : t -> int 
  val sort : t -> elt list
module SBTree : BTree with type elt = int = struct
  type elt = int
  type tree = Empty
            | Node of elt * tree * tree
  type t = tree
  let empty = Empty
  let rec search x = function
    | Empty -> false
    | Node (y, l, r) ->
        if x < y then search x l
        else if x > y then search x r
        else true
  let rec insert x = function
    | Empty -> Node(x, Empty, Empty)
    | Node(y, l, r) ->
        if x < y then
          Node(y, insert x l, r)
        else if x > y then
          Node(y, l, insert x r)
          Node(y, l, r)
  let rec size = function
    | Empty -> 0
    | Node(_, l, r) ->
        1 + (size l) + (size r)
  let sort tree =
    let rec to_list lst = function
      | Empty -> lst
      | Node (v, l, r) ->
          to_list (v :: to_list lst r) l in
    to_list [] tree
module IntSet = Set.Make(Int)
module RBTree : BTree with type elt = int = struct
  type elt = int
  type t = IntSet.t
  let empty = IntSet.empty
  let search = IntSet.mem
  let insert = IntSet.add
  let size = IntSet.cardinal
  let sort = IntSet.elements

#lang racket
(provide empty-tree search insert size sort)
(struct node (value left right))
(define empty-tree empty)
(define (search x tree)
    [(empty? tree) #f]
    [(node? tree)
      (let ([value (node-value tree)]
            [left (node-left tree)]
            [right (node-right tree)])
          [(< x value) (search x left)]
          [(> x value) (search x right)]
          [else #t]))]
    [else (error "Invalid tree.")]))
(define (insert x tree)
    [(empty? tree) (node x empty empty)]
    [(node? tree)
      (let ([value (node-value tree)]
            [left (node-left tree)]
            [right (node-right tree)])
          [(< x value) (node value (insert x left) right)]
          [(> x value) (node value left (insert x right))]
          [else tree]))]
    [else (error "Invalid tree.")]))
(define (size tree)
    [(empty? tree) 0]
    [(node? tree)
      (+ 1 (size (node-left tree)) (size (node-right tree)))]
    [else (error "Invalid tree.")]))
(define (sort tree)
  (define (to-list lst tree)
      [(empty? tree) lst]
      [(node? tree)
          (cons (node-value tree) (to-list lst (node-right tree)))
          (node-left tree))]
      [else (error "Invalid tree.")]))
  (to-list '() tree))

#lang racket
(require data/red-black/ordered-set)
(provide empty-tree search insert size sort)
(define empty-tree (ordered-set))
(define (search x tree)
  (ordered-set-member? tree x))
(define (insert x tree)
  (ordered-set-add! tree x)
(define (size tree)
  (ordered-set-count tree))
(define (sort tree)
  (ordered-set->list tree))


#include "btree.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <print>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
bool test(const std::string &infile, const std::string &outfile) {
  std::deque<long> lst;
  // read file
  auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  std::ifstream fin(infile);
  if (!fin) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Could not open file for reading.");
    return false;
  int num;
  while (fin >> num)
  auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  std::chrono::duration<double> duration = end - start;
  std::println("length = {}", lst.size());
  std::println("read time:  {:9.6f} [sec]", duration.count());
  // make btree
  start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
#ifndef RBTREE
  ume::SBTree<long> root;
  ume::RBTree<long> root;
  for (long i : lst)
  end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  duration = end - start;
#ifndef RBTREE
  std::println("simple btree nodes = {}", root.size());
  std::println("red-black btree nodes = {}", root.size());
  std::println("make btree: {:9.6f} [sec]", duration.count());
  // search
  start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  for (long i : lst)
    if (root.search(i))
      std::println("{} is not found.", i);
  end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  duration = end - start;
  std::println("search time:{:9.6f} [sec]", duration.count());
  // sort
  start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  std::deque<long> lst2 = root.sort();
  end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  duration = end - start;
  std::println("sort time:  {:9.6f} [sec]", duration.count());
  // write file
  start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  std::ofstream fout(outfile);
  if (!fout) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Could not open file for writing.");
    return false;
  std::ostringstream buf;
  for (long num : lst2)
    buf << num << "\n";
  fout << buf.str();
  end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  duration = end - start;
  std::println("write time: {:9.6f} [sec]", duration.count());
  return true;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    if (argc != 3) {
      throw std::invalid_argument(
          "Usage: main <infile> <outfile>");
    std::string infile(argv[1]);
    std::string outfile(argv[2]);
    if (!test(infile, outfile))
      std::println("An error has occurred.");
  } catch (const std::logic_error &e) {
    std::println(stderr, "Logic error: {}", e.what());
  } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) {
    std::println(stderr, "Runtime error: {}", e.what());
  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
    std::println(stderr, "Another std::exception: {}", e.what());
  } catch (...) {
    std::println(stderr, "Unknown exception.");
  return 0;

 上の一つのメインプログラムから単純木:smain_g, smain_l、赤黒木:rmain_g, rmain_lという四種類の実行ファイルを生成する。
CPPG = g++
CPPL = clang++
CPPFLAGS = -std=c++23 -O2
HEADER = btree.h
SRC = main.cpp
EXES = smain_g smain_l rmain_g rmain_l
all: $(EXES)
smain_g: $(SRC) $(HEADER)
	$(CPPG) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(SRC)
smain_l: $(SRC) $(HEADER)
	$(CPPL) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $(SRC)
rmain_g: $(SRC) $(HEADER)
rmain_l: $(SRC) $(HEADER)
	rm -f $(EXES)

$ measure ./smain_g uniform1m.txt sorted_sg.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.092537 [sec]
simple btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  0.900580 [sec]
search time: 0.683894 [sec]
sort time:   0.083510 [sec]
write time:  0.090753 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  2.205251 [sec]
mem  size:      68772 [KB]
code size:        140 [KB]
$ measure ./smain_l uniform1m.txt sorted_sl.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.095828 [sec]
simple btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  0.903665 [sec]
search time: 0.820304 [sec]
sort time:   0.081721 [sec]
write time:  0.088756 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  2.330283 [sec]
mem  size:      69624 [KB]
code size:        112 [KB]
$ measure ./rmain_g uniform1m.txt sorted_rg.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.096370 [sec]
red-black btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  0.902321 [sec]
search time: 0.903060 [sec]
sort time:   0.141716 [sec]
write time:  0.093211 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  2.509102 [sec]
mem  size:      84796 [KB]
code size:        143 [KB]
$ measure ./rmain_l uniform1m.txt sorted_rl.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.092469 [sec]
red-black btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  0.953849 [sec]
search time: 0.557808 [sec]
sort time:   0.142052 [sec]
write time:  0.091097 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  2.213777 [sec]
mem  size:      85988 [KB]
code size:        113 [KB]
open Printf
#ifndef RBTREE
module BT = Btree.SBTree
module BT = Btree.RBTree
let read_data filename =
  let ichan = open_in filename in
  let rec read_lines acc =
    match input_line ichan with
    | line ->
      let num = int_of_string line in
      read_lines (num :: acc)
    | exception End_of_file ->
      close_in ichan;
      List.rev acc in
  read_lines []
let write_data filename lst =
  let ochan = open_out filename in
  List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ochan "%d\n" x) lst;
  close_out ochan
let test infile outfile =
  (* read file *)
  let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  let lst = read_data infile in
  let end_ = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  printf "length = %d\n" (List.length lst);
  printf "read time:  %9.6f [sec]\n" (end_ -. start);
  (* make btree *)
  let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  let root = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> BT.insert x acc) BT.empty lst in
  let end_ = Unix.gettimeofday () in
#ifndef RBTREE
  printf "simple btree nodes = %d\n" (BT.size root);
  printf "red-black btree nodes = %d\n" (BT.size root);
  printf "make btree: %9.6f [sec]\n" (end_ -. start);
  (* search *)
  let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
    (fun v ->
      if (BT.search v root) then ()
      else printf "%d is not found.\n" v)
  let end_ = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  printf "search time:%9.6f [sec]\n" (end_ -. start);
  (* sort *)
  let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  let lst2 = BT.sort root in
  let end_ = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  printf "sort time:  %9.6f [sec]\n" (end_ -. start);
  (* write file *)
  let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  write_data outfile lst2;
  let end_ = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  printf "write time: %9.6f [sec]\n" (end_ -. start)
let () =
    if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3 then
      raise (Invalid_argument
        "Usage: main <infile> >outfile>")
      let infile =  Sys.argv.(1) in
      let outfile =  Sys.argv.(2) in
      test infile outfile
    | Invalid_argument msg ->
        eprintf "Logic error: %s\n" msg
    | Failure msg ->
        eprintf "Runtime error: %s\n" msg
    | exn ->
        eprintf "Another exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string exn)

OCAMLOPT = ocamlopt
LIBPATH = -I +unix
LIBS = unix.cmxa 
SRCS = btree.ml main.ml
PPS = -pp "cppo"
PPR = -pp "cppo -D RBTREE"
EXES = smain rmain
all: $(EXES)
smain: $(SRCS)
rmain: $(SRCS)
	rm -f $(EXES) *.o *.cmx *.cmi

$ measure ./smain uniform1m.txt sorted_s.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.278736 [sec]
simple btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  1.670094 [sec]
search time: 0.724873 [sec]
sort time:   0.113147 [sec]
write time:  0.251380 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  3.091865 [sec]
mem  size:     164096 [KB]
code size:       3357 [KB]
$ measure ./rmain uniform1m.txt sorted_r.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.272368 [sec]
red-black btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  1.949673 [sec]
search time: 0.858106 [sec]
sort time:   0.115870 [sec]
write time:  0.241498 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  3.488585 [sec]
mem  size:     176652 [KB]
code size:       3357 [KB]
#lang racket
(require iso-printf)
(require (prefix-in bt: "sbtree.rkt"))
(define (read-data filename)
  (call-with-input-file filename
    (lambda (port)
      (let loop ([lst '()])
        (let ([line (read-line port)])
          (if (eof-object? line)
              (reverse lst)
              (loop (cons (string->number line) lst))))))))
(define (write-data filename lst)
  (call-with-output-file filename #:exists 'replace
    (lambda (port)
      (for-each (lambda (num) (displayln num port))
(define (test infile outfile)
  ; read file
  (define start (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (define lst (read-data infile))
  (define end (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (printf "length = %d\n" (length lst))
  (printf "read time:  %9.6f [sec]\n" (/ (- end start) 1000.0))
  ; make btree
  (set! start (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (define root (foldl bt:insert bt:empty-tree lst))
  (set! end (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (printf "simple btree nodes = %d\n" (bt:size root))
  (printf "make btree: %9.6f [sec]\n" (/ (- end start) 1000.0))
  ; search
  (set! start (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (for ([i lst])
    (if (bt:search i root)
      (printf "%d is not found.\n" i)))
  (set! end (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (printf "search time:%9.6f [sec]\n" (/ (- end start) 1000.0))
  ; sort
  (set! start (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (define lst2 (bt:sort root))
  (set! end (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (printf "sort time:  %9.6f [sec]\n" (/ (- end start) 1000.0))
   ; write file
  (set! start (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (write-data outfile lst2)
  (set! end (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (printf "write time: %9.6f [sec]\n" (/ (- end start) 1000.0)))
(define (main args)
    ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (eprintf "%s\n" (exn-message e)))]
     [exn? (λ (e) (eprintf "Unexpected: %s\n" (exn-message e)))])
    [(not (= (vector-length args) 2))
      (error "Usage: main <infile> <outfile>")]
      (let ([infile (vector-ref args 0)]
            [outfile (vector-ref args 1)])
        (test infile outfile))])))
(main (current-command-line-arguments))

$ raco exe smain.rkt
$ measure ./smain uniform1m.txt sorted_s.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.774853 [sec]
simple btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  2.366238 [sec]
search time: 1.077546 [sec]
sort time:   0.082800 [sec]
write time:  0.885487 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  5.713926 [sec]
mem  size:     210428 [KB]
code size:      12463 [KB]
(require (prefix-in bt: "rbtree.rkt"))
(printf "red-black btree nodes = %d\n" (bt:size root))
$ raco exe rmain.rkt
$ measure ./rmain uniform1m.txt sorted_r.txt
length = 1000000
read time:   0.778972 [sec]
red-black btree nodes = 995168
make btree:  3.642388 [sec]
search time: 2.010633 [sec]
sort time:   0.050583 [sec]
write time:  0.936998 [sec]
Process exited with status: 0
total time:  7.910118 [sec]
mem  size:     264992 [KB]
code size:      12729 [KB]
測定項目 GCC Clang OCaml Racket
単純木 read file 0.093 0.096 0.279 0.775
make btree 0.901 0.904 1.670 2.366
search 0.684 0.820 0.725 1.078
sort 0.084 0.082 0.113 0.083
write file 0.091 0.089 0.251 0.885
赤黒木 read file 0.096 0.092 0.272 0.779
make btree 0.902 0.954 1.950 3.642
search 0.903 0.558 0.858 2.011
sort 0.142 0.142 0.116 0.051
write file 0.093 0.091 0.241 0.937
This document is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (C) 2024 Takeshi Umetani