1 - 8
 Miles fortis ipse firmus est murus.
  A brave soldier is himself a strong wall.
 Frater non est tam ineptus, tamve vecors quam tu.
  Your brother is not so thoughtless or silly as you are.
 Beatus qui est mitis et honestus.
  Happy is he who is meek and righteous.
 Rex nimis bellicosus beatus esse non potest.
  A too warlike king cannot be happy.
 Socrates semper idem erat, quia anima semper erat eadem.
  Socrates was always the same, for his mind was always the same.
 Phocion praeclarus, eximius egregiusque civis fuit Atheniensis.
  Phocion was a very illustrious, eminent, and exemplary Athenian citizen.
 Exiguus lapillus saepe magis est pretiosus quam ager fertilis.
  A small pebble is often of more value than a fertile field.
 Puer ille quam alter multo minus vitiosus esse videtur.
  That boy seems to be a great deal less vicious than the other.
 Quam verum illud dictum: ubi bene, ibi patria!
  How true is that saying, where (one is) well, there (is) one's country!
 Quum Tarquinius exul erat, Roma ingens fuit urbs.
  When Tarquin was an exile, Rome was a huge city.
 Urbs Syracusae, quae olim pulchra peramplaque fuit, nunc exigua ac paupera est.
  The city of Syracuse, which was formerly beautiful and very spacious, is now poor and insignificant.
 Cyrus quamquam rex maxime bellicosus, eximius etiam architectus erat.
  Cyrus, though a most warlike king, was also an eminent architect.
 Quis unquam tam liberalis ac beneficus rex fuit quam Cyrus?
  What king ever was so enlightened and beneficent as Cyrus?
 Non amo te, nec possum dicere quare; hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te.
  I do not like you, nor can I tell why; this only can I say, I do not like you.
 Anne hic est filius meus? ─ Non est.
  Is my son here? ─ No, he is not.
 Ubinam tum est, rogo?
  Where is he then, pray?
The father is assiduous, but not so the son.
  Pater assiduus est, filius autem non item.
Nothing is so vile or so base as deception.
  Nihil tam turpe, neque vile quam est deceptio.
Every man who desires to live, must eat and drink.
  Omnis qui vivere vult, edere et bibere debet.
When a people is wretched, the ruler cannot be happy.
  Quando populus miser est, rector beatus esse non potest.
Human nature is everywhere the same.
  Natura ubique humana eadem est.
Mankind has always been, and always will be the same.
  Gens humana, semper fuit semperque eadem erit.
I wish to be learned, but I am too indolent.
  Volo doctus esse, sed nimis sum otiosus.
If you are not learned now, you never will be learned.
  Si nunc non doctus es, nunquam doctus eris.
Socrates was a pious and most temperate man.
  Socrates vir pius erat et maxime temperatus.
No one was ever so temperate as he.
  Ita erat temperatus ut ille nemo unquam.
If the crime is great, the punishment ought to be severe.
  Si crimen magnum est, poena debet esse severa.
He who is not truly just and upright, can never be entirely happy.
  Qui non vere justus est ac probus, nunquam omnino beatus esse potest.
The physician was once a poor man, but now, no one so rich as he.
  Medicus olim pauper erat, nunc autem quam ille nemo tam locuples.
If your reputation were good, I would willingly be your friend, but your reputation is everywhere vile.
  Si tua fama esset bona, libenter amicus essem tuus, sed fama tua ubique turpis est.
My neighbour is indeed a prudent man, excessive prudence is not, however, always desirable.
  Vicinus quidem meus homo est prudens, immodica tamen prudentia, non semper expetenda est.
Who is that man?
  Quis homo ille?
 dēbilis -e, weak.
 levis -e, capricious.
 laevis -e, smooth.
 mollis -e, soft, flexible.
 cīvīlis -e, civil.
 miserābilis -e, miserable.
 similis -e, alike.
 campester -tris -tre, pastoral.
 mirābilis -e, wonderful, remarkable.
 fortis -e, bold, valiant, unshaken.
 vīlis -e, worthless.
 immānis -e, cruel, savage, fierce.
 inānis -e, empty, vain, frivolous.
 mediocris -e, slight, insignificant, indifferent.
Words given in vocabularies of First Course are not repeated in the Second. It often happens, however, that a Latin word has a variety of significations; such words are repeated, but only with the new meanings. Thus several meanings of the adjective fortis are given in the First Course, besides those attached to the word in the preceding vocabulary, and so with others.
 Domus mea mihi est cara.
  My family is dear to me.
 Tua res agitur, nam paries ardet.
  Your property is in danger, for the house wall is on fire.
 Ita sum deceptus, ut nemo unquam.
  No one was ever so deceived as I have been.
 Roma urbs perantiqua est, sed non permagna.
  Rome is a very ancient, but not a very large city.
 Londinum non solum urbs est ingens, sed etiam valde opulens.
  London is not only a prodigious city, but also a very opulent one.
 Corinthus pulchra peramplaque olim erat urbs, nunc autem non item.
  Corinth was formerly a beautiful and very spacious city, but it is not so now.
 Tota Sicilia insula laeta est et formosa.
  The entire island of Sicily is pleasing and beautiful.
 Nemo tam pius erat, neque tam egregius quam Socrates.
  No one was so godly or so exemplary as Socrates.
 Alexander rex fuit permagnus, homo autem maxime perditus.
  Alexander was a great king, but a most dissolute man.
 Quae tam benigna et egregia princeps quam regina nostra?
  What princess so gracious and exemplary as our own queen?
 Utinam omnis princeps benignus et egregius esset!
  Would that every prince were gracious and exemplary!
 Si tu juvenis esses egregius, beatus esses, nam qui probus est, plerumque beatus est et contentus.
  If you were an exemplary youth, you would be happy, for he who is upright is generally happy and contented.
 Avis est animal bipes.
  A bird is a two-footed animal.
 Omnis avis est bipes, sed non omne animal quod est bipes, avis est, nam ipse homo est bipes.
  Every bird is two-footed, but every two-footed creature is not a bird, for man himself is a biped.
 Dionysius rex Syracusanus durus sed justus dicitur fuisse.
  Dionysius, the Syracusan king, is said to have been harsh, but just.
 Astutus quidem homo erat, etiamsi callidus.
  He was certainly a very politic, even if a crafty man.
 Quamquam Dionysius tyrannus erat, tamen nec imperiosus nec immanis fuisse dicitur.
  Although Dionysius was a tyrant, he is said to have been neither imperious nor cruel.
 parare,1 to get ready.
 nuntiāre, to carry word.
 labefactāre,2 to shake.
 cēlāre, to conceal.
 laudāre, to praise.
 stāre, to stand.
 jūdicāre, to judge.
 dīmicāre, to strive.
 līberāre, to deliver.
 servāre, to keep.
 dubitāre, to doubt.
 habitāre, to inhahit, dwell, or live.
 occultāre, to hide.
 ēducāre, to foster, or educate.
 ambulāre, to walk.
 equitāre, to ride.
 declāmāre, to declaim.
 imperāre, to govern, to excel.
 manēre,3 to stay, or remain.
 habēre, to have, to entertain.
 assidēre, to sit by, or at, to sit.
 tenēre, to stretch out, to hold, to observe.
 (1) Verbs of which the infinitive mood ends in -āre, belong to the first conjugation, and take the tense endings of amo. The infinitive mood is used in Laiin as in English after another verb; thus, dēbēmus superāre, we ought to excel. The sign to is dropped in English after may, can, could, should, and must, but is retained in Latin, as possumus superāre, we may (to) excel.
 (2) Verbs that signify to do a thing frequently or habitually, are termed Frequentatives; thus, the verb labefactāre means to keep shaking something till it is weakened or loosened.
 (3) Verbs of which the infinitive mood ends in -ēre, belong to the second conjugation, and take the tense endings of monēre.
You must get ready soon.
  Mox debes parare.
Your exercise is not correctly written.
  Exercitatio bene scripta non est tua.
Every speech is not correctly pronounced.
  Non omnis oratio bene edita est.
Your friend is a great deal more awkward than you.
  Amicus quam tu multo magis est ineptus.
My brother is more learned by far than I.
  Frater quam ego longe magis est doctus.
How surly and passionate the woman is!
  Quam morosa ac vehemens mulier est!
A passionate woman is seldom a good mother.
  Mulier vehemens raro mater est bona.
A man who is frugal is generally temperate also.
  Qui homo est moderatus, is plerumque temperans est quoque.
A dissolute and extravagant spendthrift is indeed a dangerous associate.
  Perditus ac profusus nepos consors quidem est periculosus.
A private citizen ought not to be warlike.
  Civis privatus bellicosus esse non debet.
Every private citizen is not, however, wholly unwarlike.
  Non omnis civis privatus omnino imbellis est.
A ruler who is just and merciful, is a humane prince.
  Rector qui justus est et clemens, is princeps est humanus.
If every ruler were cruel and depraved, every people would be wretched.
  Si omnis rector crudelis ac pravus esset, omnis populus esset miser.
Every ruler, however, is not depraved, nor is every people wretched.
  Non omnis rector tamen pravus est, nec omnis populus miser.
But although every ruler is not cruel or depraved, yet every people is not happy.
  Quamquam vero omnis rector nec crudelis nec pravus est, omnis populus tamen non est beatus.
Would that every people were happy, joyous, and contented!
  Utinam omnis populus beatus esset, laetus, et contentus!
Although you desire to excel, yet you are not even prudent.
  Quamquam superare vis, ne prudens quidem es.
If you desire to excel, be prudent and diligent.
  Si superare vis, prudens esto ac diligens.
He who wishes to be robust, should ride or walk a great deal.
  Qui robustus esse vult, multo ambulare vel equitare debet.
Every evil, though insignificant, is nevertheless an evil.
  Omne malum, etiamsi mediocre, malum est tamen.
 jam (adv.), already.
 dēnuo (adv.), afresh, again.
 satis (adv.), rather, sufficiently.
 postrēmum (adv.), finally, the last time.
 profecto (adv.), assuredly.
 tandem (adv.), at length.
 adeo (adv.), so.
 quidem (adv.), even.
 quo (adv. & conj.), where, whither, to what place, because, by how much.
 dūm (adv.), till, until.
 ēn (adv. & interj.) see, lo, behold.
 ecce (adv. & interj.) see, lo, behold.
 usque (adv.), continually, until, as far as.
 usque ad (adv.), even up to, till.
 tanto (adv.), so much, by so much.
 quondam (adv.), once, once upon a lime.
 inde (adv.), from where, whence, hence.
 expedīte (adv.), speedily.
 Ubinam assidere vis?
  Where do you wish to sit?
 Visne vinum habere?
  Do you wish to have some wine?
 Minime vero.
  No, not in the least.
 Deus est immortalis, id est, aeternus.
  God is immortal, that is, eternal.
 Natura quidem dux est fidelis.
  Nature is indeed a faithful leader.
 Senectus gravis est, juventus hilaris.
  Old age is grave, youth gay.
 Alius puer alacer est, alius vero deses et ineptus.
  One boy is lively, another dull and stupid.
 Dominus noster denuo erit imperator.
  Our master will again be a commander.
 Nauta profecto magis est profusus quam miles.
  The sailor assuredly is more extravagant than the soldier.
 Ter beatus est homo ille, qui pius quidem et honestus est.
  Thrice happy is that man who is godly and righteous.
 Nullum vitium tam vile est, neque tam infame quam mendacium.
  No vice is so abject or so infamous as falsehood.
 Plerumque velox equus est, alter vero non tam velox est quam alter.
  The horse is generally swift, but one is not so swift as another.
 Haec regio quae palustris quondam erat, nunc valde salubris est.
  This region, which was once marshy, is now very salubrious.
 Hic ubi Troja quondam fuit, murus aut casa rara manet.
  Here, where Troy once was, scarcely a wall or a house remains.
 Soror mea puella est proba, nusquam puella tam diligens quam illa.
  My sister is a dutiful girl, there is nowhere a girl so dutiful as she.
 Frater meus discipulus est deses, nusquam puer tam piger est quam ille.
  My brother is a slothful pupil; there is nowhere a boy so lazy as he.
 Ego contentus sum, sed tu non es contentus, si tu contentus esses, esses beatus, nam homo contentus semper beatus est.
  Ego[1単主]私 contentus[m単主]緊張した/張り詰めた|満足した/喜んだ/十分な(2)[m単主](完了分詞)緊張する/張り合う/急ぐ/争う/競う/戦う/奮闘/努力する/対比する(3)[m単主](完了分詞)集中する/まとめる|囲む/包囲する/封入する/含む/抑える/保つ sum[1単/直/能/現在](sum)である, sedしかし tu[2単主]あなた non~しない(not)|non modo(solum)...sed etiam (= not only... but also) es[2単/直/能/現在](sum)である(2)[2単/命/能/現在](sum)である contentus[m単主]緊張した/張り詰めた|満足した/喜んだ/十分な(2)[m単主](完了分詞)緊張する/張り合う/急ぐ/争う/競う/戦う/奮闘/努力する/対比する(3)[m単主](完了分詞)集中する/まとめる|囲む/包囲する/封入する/含む/抑える/保つ, siもしも/~かどうか/もし~ならば/たとえ~としても tu[2単主]あなた contentus[m単主]緊張した/張り詰めた|満足した/喜んだ/十分な(2)[m単主](完了分詞)緊張する/張り合う/急ぐ/争う/競う/戦う/奮闘/努力する/対比する(3)[m単主](完了分詞)集中する/まとめる|囲む/包囲する/封入する/含む/抑える/保つ esses[2単/接/能/未完](sum)である, esses[2単/接/能/未完](sum)である beatus[m単主]幸福な/成功した/幸運な, namというのも/なぜなら homo[c単主/呼]人/人間 contentus[m単主]緊張した/張り詰めた|満足した/喜んだ/十分な(2)[m単主](完了分詞)緊張する/張り合う/急ぐ/争う/競う/戦う/奮闘/努力する/対比する(3)[m単主](完了分詞)集中する/まとめる|囲む/包囲する/封入する/含む/抑える/保つ semperいつも/常に/永遠に beatus[m単主]幸福な/成功した/幸運な est[3単/直/能/現在](sum)である.
  I am contented, but you are not contented; if you were contented you would be happy, for a contented man is always happy.
 Sat bene, si sat cito.1
  A thing is done well enough, if it be done quickly enough.
 Nisi essem Alexander, vellem esse Diogenes.
  Were I not Alexander, I would be Diogenes.
 Expedite Chremes nullus2 venit.
  Chremes did not come speedily.
 Jus semper est aequabile, neque enim aliter esset jus.
  The law is always equitable, for otherwise it would not be law.
 Puer qui est piger, plerumque ignarus est.
  A boy who is lazy is generally ignorant.
 Ne igitur nec3 piger, nec ignarus esto.
  Do not therefore be either lazy or ignorant.
 (1) Sat bene, si sat cito; (A thing is done) well enough, if (it be done) quickly enough. Maxims and colloquial aphorisms often throw out, in this way, such words as may readily be supplied by inference. This kind of ellipsis is common in all languages, but especially so in Latin.
 (2) Chremes nullus venit, Chremcs did not come. As in the text nullus sometimes stands instead of non for not; nihil, neque and nec are elegantly used in the same way, as nihil dicit, quod putat, he does not say what he thinks; Neque hoc negare possum, this I cannot deny; Nec ita multo post, not so long after.
 (3) Ne igitur nec piger, nec ignarus esto, literally do not be neither lazy nor ignorart, i.e. do not be either-or. After not, the compound conjunction either-or is rendered by neither-nor, Latin in certain construclions admitting a double negation.
 facere,1 to do, or make.
 agere, to act.
 solvere, to solve.
 colere, to cultivate, reverence, or worship.
 ēripere, to take away.
 eximere, to take out, or away.
 canere, to sing, or play.
 reddere, to render.
 dīcere, to say, tell, also to enumerate.
 causam dīcere, to plead.
 conducere, to conduct, conduce, or be expedient.
 profundere, to break up, or sacrifice.
 repellere, to repel.
 confīdere,2 to trust.
 tollere, to take up, or away, to deprive.
 accipere, to take, receive, or get.
 injicere, inicere, to throw in, cast, or lay.
 excurrere, to rush hastily, to make an excursion.
 effugere, to escape.
 assidere, to sit, to sit down, or attend.
 excellere, to excel.
 praeponere, to prefer.
 surgere, to rise,or get up.
 accedere, to draw near, to follow, to add.
 extrahere, to draw out, or extend.
 (1) Verbs, of which tlie infinitive ends in -ere, belong to the third conjugation, and take the tense endings of rego.
 (2) Some verbs have the perfect and some other tenses of the active voice declined, like the corresponding tenses of the passive. These are termed Neuter Passives, and will be treated at length in a future Course.
What ought I to do?
  Quid facere debeo?
My sister cannot sing yet.
  Soror nondum canere potest.
The master was very severe yesterday.
  Heri dominus valde fuit severus.
Where have yon been to-day?
  Hodie ubi fuisti?
Brown bread is generally wholesome.
  Panis ater plerumque salubris est.
White wine is not so rich as red wine.
  Vinum album non est tam generosum quam rubrum.
If wine is ripe, it is sweet; it otherwise, tart.
  Si vinum est mite, suave est, si aliter asperum.
The paternal soil is always charming.
  Semper dulce solum est paternum.
You were formerly more active than you are now.
  Olim magis fuisti negotiosus quam nunc es.
Our servant is dutiful, inasmuch as she is sharp and industrious.
  Serva proba est nostra; quippe acris est et industria.
The old man wished to escape, but he was too infirm.
  Senex effugere volebat, sed nimis erat infirmus.
You have been long enough dissolute and extravagant, you ought now to act otherwise.
  Satis diu perditus ac profusus fuisti, nunc secus agere debes.
He has been afflicted enough who has been once afflicted.
  Sat afflictus est, qui semel est afflictus.
The general is patient and brave, but he is too cruel.
  Dux est patiens et fortis, crudelis autem nimis.
A prudent commander is not always so fortunate as a daring one,
  Imperator prudens non semper est tam felix quam audens.
A man who is not trustworthy, is by no means a safe companion.
  Qui homo non est certus, is nunquam salvus est comes.
A jovial companion is not always a desirable friend.
  Sodalis jucundus non semper amicus expetendus est.
 tussire,1 to cough.
 reperire, to find.
 ire,2 to go.
 venire, to come.
 ferre,3 to carry, bear, or propose.
 auferre, to carry, or take away.
 adesse (ad+esse),4 to be present, or here.
 abesse (ab+esse), to be absent, or away.
 posse (pot+esse), to be able.
 velle,5 to be willing.
 nolle, to be unwilling.
 venisse, to have come.6
 odisse,7 to hate.
 contulisse, to have betaken.
 (1) Verbs of which tbe infinitive ends in -īre, belong to the fourth conjugation, and take the tense endings of audio.
 (2) The verb īre is irregular in some of its forms; tbe present indicative, for example, is declined thus:─
  1st pers., eo, I go, or am going.
  2nd pers., īs, thou goest, etc.
  3rd pers., it, he goes, or is going.
  1st pers., īmus, we go, or are going.
  2nd pers., ītis, you go, or are going.
  3rd pers., eunt, they go, or are going.
 (3) Ferre and its compounds belong to tbe class of irregular verbs, the construction and conjugntion of which will be given in a future course.
 (4) Tbe compounds of esse are all conjugated like sum.
 (5) Tbe verbs velle and nolle are likewise irregulars. (See (3) above.)
 (6) Tbe auxiliary to have, when followed by a past participle, is expressed in Latin by tbe perfect infinitive active of the verb to which tbe participle belongs; thus, to have loved is rendered by amavisse.
 (7) The verb odi has only tbe perfect forms in use which have the power of present tenses.
 Tu potes ire, si vis.
  You may go if you choose.
 Poterisne cras venire?
  Can you come here to-morrow?
 Tibi semper janua patet.
  The gate is always open to you.
 Miles laesus ac fessus sum.
  I am a tired and wounded soldier.
 Fui vinctus, nunc autem liber sum.
  I have been bound, but now I am free.
 Consors meus idem nunc est qui semper fuit.
  My companion is the same now as he has always been.
 Rex qui vehemens est, expetendus nunquam est auxiliator.
  A king who is passionate is never a desirable ally.
 Paluster interdum fertilis fructuosusque ager est.
  Marshy land is sometimes fertile and productive.
 Aut nimium gaudium aut nimia aegritudo noxia est.
  Either too much joy or too much grief is pernicious.
 Puer debet esse alacer, ineptus vero non esse debet.
  A boy ought to be lively, but he ought not to be impertinent.
 Ego omnino hilaris esse non possum, nam aeger amicus est meus.
  I cannot be altogether cheerful, because my friend is ill.
 Si unus amicus aeger est, alter hilaris esse non debet.
  If one friend is ill, the other ought not to be merry.
 Si sapiens et contentus Socratis non fuisset, non fuisset tam hilaris quam semper fuit.
  Siもしも/~かどうか/もし~ならば/たとえ~としても sapiens[m単主/呼]思慮深い人/良識ある人/賢人/哲人/哲学者(2)[m/f単主/呼]|[n単主/呼/対]賢い/賢明/聡明な/思慮深い/分別のある/知的な/良識的な/慎重な(3)[m/f単主/呼]|[n単主/呼/対](現在分詞)~の味/気がある/良識/分別がある/賢明である/識別する/知る etと/も/そして/~さえも contentus[m単主]緊張した/張り詰めた|満足した/喜んだ/十分な(2)[m単主](完了分詞)緊張する/張り合う/急ぐ/争う/競う/戦う/奮闘/努力する/対比する(3)[m単主](完了分詞)集中する/まとめる|囲む/包囲する/封入する/含む/抑える/保つ Socratis[m単属]ソクラテス(ギリシャの哲学者) non~しない(not)|non modo(solum)...sed etiam (= not only... but also) fuisset[3単/接/能/過去完了](sum)である, non~しない(not)|non modo(solum)...sed etiam (= not only... but also) fuisset[3単/接/能/過去完了](sum)である tamこれほど~な/tam...quam/ut (= so...as) hilaris[m/f単主/呼/属|複対]|[n単属]明朗な/快活な/陽気な/楽しい/活発な(2)[m/f/n複与/奪]明朗な/快活な/陽気な/楽しい/活発な quam~よりも(比較級で/=than)/可能な限り(最上級の前で/= as...as possible)/どのように/どのくらい/なんと/quam...tam (the more...the more)(2)[f単対]~する人(3)[f単対]どの/どのような|どれだけ(which /what /what kind of|) semperいつも/常に/永遠に fuit[3単/直/能/完了](sum)である.
  If Socrates had not been wise and contented, he would not have been so cheerful as he always was.
 Si negligens aut incautus fuisses, diutius aeger fuisses quam fuisti.
  If you had been negligent or heedless, you would have been longer ill than you have been.
 Omnis homo eximius, diligens quondam sedulusque fuit.
  Every eminent man has been at one time diligent and sedulous.
 Puer egregius semper negotiosus et assiduus est.
  An exemplary boy is always active and assiduous.
 Solon, ille legislator Atheniensis, vir justus et humanus erat.
  Solon, the Athenian legislator, was a just and humane man.
 Nullus legislator tam justus atque humanus fuit quam Solon.
  No legislator was so just and humane as Solon.
 Utinam omnis legislator hodiernus aeque justus humanusque ac Solon esset!
  Would that every modern legislator were as just and humane as Solon!
 Populus nimis bellicosus non est laudandus, si autem bellum necessarium est, bellum ipsum non est vituperandum.
  A too warlike people is not to be praised, but if war is necessary, war itself is not to be blamed.
 Legatus non modo nullus venit, sed ne scripsit quidem.
  The ambassador not only did not come, but he did not even write.
 cāritas, chāritas -ātis f., love.
 princeps civitātis m., a noble or leading man of the state.
 ūtilitas -ātis f., profit, advantage.
 bonitās -ātis f., bounty, goodness.
 mille n., a thousand. The gen. and dat. sing, of mille are not found in use, and the abl. is like the nom. In plu. mille makes millia, ium, ibus.
 excubitor -ōris m., a watchman.
 orātor -ōris m., a commissioner or legate.
 exemplar -āris n., a model, copy, or reflex.
 dissensio, dissentio -ōnis f., dissension, strife.
 contentio -ōnis f., eagerness.
 orbis -is m., a globe or ball.
 rūs, rūris n., in plu. rūra, the country.
 suāvitas -ātis f., pleasantness, urbanity, courtesy, suavity.
 sōlicitūdo, sōllicitūdo -dinis f., anxiety.
 magnitūdo -dinis f., magnitude, greatness.
 commodum -i n., advantage, benefit, gain.
 pontifex -icis m., a pontiff or high priest.
 procerēs -um m. plu., nobles.
 Vēientes, Vējentes -um, or -ium m. plu., a people of Etruria.
 Tīmōleon -ontis m., a Corinthian general.
 Tigrānēs -is m., a king of Armenia.
 Aulis, Aulidis f., a city of Boeotia.
 Callicratidas -ae m., a Spartan commander.
 Philocrātes -is m., the name of a Greek orator, and several other personages.
 odōrātus -us m., smelling.
To err is human.
  Errare humanum est.
I ought to be here to-morrow.
  Cras adesse debebo.
I must be absent to-day.
  Hodie abesse debeo.
Courtesy is sometimes useful.
  Interdum utilis est suavitas.
Gain is always pleasing.
  Lucrum semper gratum est.
Nothing human is uninteresting to me.
  Nulla res humana est a me aliena.
What adversary is more vigorous than anxiety?
  Quis tam acer adversarius quam solicitudo?
The country is more agreeable than the town.
  Rus quam urbs magis est gratum.
What pledge is more sacred than one's country?
  Quod magis sacrum quam patria pignus?
Your love is as great as your goodness.
  Charitas tua aeque magna est ac tua bonitas.
Avarice is abject as well as vile.
  Avaritia et vilis et turpis est.
Prudence is not so commendable a quality as justice.
  Quam justitia non tam laudanda est prudentia.
When the ruler is prudent, the state is generally safe.
  Quando imperator prudens est, plerumque civitas est tuta.
When the ruler is imprudent, the state is never safe.
  Quando imperator imprudens est, civitas nunquam est tuta.
Caesar was a great man, a skilful general, and an eminent author.
  Caesar vir fuit magnus, dux peritus eximiusque auctor.
When Caesar was emperor, Rome was a stately and opulent city.
  Quando Caesar erat imperator, Roma excelsa, opulensque urbs erat.
Caesar was indeed a brave, temperate, and merciful prince.
  Caesar quidem princeps erat fortis, temperans atque clemens.
Would that every emperor were brave, temperate, and merciful!
  Utinam omnis imperator fortis, temperans atque clemens esset!
Philocrates is an exemplary young man, and my intimate friend.
  Philocrates juvenis est egregius, familiarisque meus.
He who is not exemplary, will never be my intimate friend.
  Qui non egregius est, meus familiaris nunquam erit.
If you desire, therefore, to be my intimate friend, you must be an exemplary young man.
  Si igitur meus familiaris esse vis, juvenis egregius esse debes.
Such1 is man! Such is life!
  Ita est homo! sic est vita!
Such a silly thing is not commendable.
  Res tam inepta non est laudanda.
Your neighbour is covetous, is he not?
  Nonne avarus est vicinus?
Yes, I believe he is, such is his madness.
  Credo, ut est dementia.
 (1) Such is man! Ita est homo. The English adverb such used in the sense of so, is rendered by tam, as rēs tam nefāria, such an abominable thing; i.e. a thing so abominable. Referring to kind, sort, or quality, such is rendered by talis or qualis, as sī talis es qualis esse dēbēs, if you are such, as you ought to be; but in constructions of this kind such as may be elegantly rendered by is-qui instead of talis-qualis thussī tū is es, qui esse dēbēs. With reference to nature, disposition, or condition, such is rendered by sic or ita, as ita est ingenium meum, such is my disposition; sīc sum ut vides, I am such as you see. When used in a parenthesis, or at the end of a sentence, such is generally rendered by ut or qui, as crēdo vōbis, ut est vestra bēnignitas, such is your goodness, that I trust to you.