28 - 32
Of some adjectives the three degrees of comparison are not found in use, Ex.:─
The following want the positive:─
 -, ulterior, ultimus,1 -, beyond, last.
 -, dēterior, dēterrimus, -, worse, worst.
 -, ōcior, ōcissimus, -, swifter, swiftest.
 -, prior, prīmus, -, former, first.
 -, propior, proximus, -, nearer, nearest.
 -, sequior, -, -, worse, -.
 -, satior, -, -, better, -.
 -, anterior, -, -, before, -.
The following want the comparative:─
 bellus, -, bellissimus, pretty, -, prettiest.
 fīdus, -, fīdissimus, faithful, -, most faithful.
 nūperus, -, nūperrimus, late, -, latest.
 sacer, -, sacerrimus, sacred, -, most sacred.
 novus, -, novissimus, new, -, newest.
 inclytus, -, inclytissimus, renowned, -, most reriowncd.
 meritus, -, meritissimus, deserving, -, most deserving.
 dīversus, -, dīversissimus, different, -, very different.
 invitus, -, invitissimus, unwilling, -, most unwilling.
 pār, -, pārissimus, equal, -, most equal.
 juvenis, jūnior, -, young, younger, -.
 senex, senior, -, old, older, -.
 ingens, ingentior, -, vast, vaster, -.
 prōnus, prōnior, -, inclined, more inclined, -.
 satur, saturior, -, full, fuller, -.
 opimus, opimior, -, rich, richer, -.
A great many adjectives have neither comparative nor superlative. Amongst these are all compounds of fero and gero; all adjectives ending in -bundus, -īnus, -imus, -ōrus, -ullus, -ulus, and all participles in -ens or -dus. These, however, generally admit of an imperfect comparison by means of magis, valde, or maxime.
 (1) Ultimus and extremus both signify the most outward, most remote, or last of the persons or things compared. The two words are used in these acceptations under very nearly the same circumstances; extremus, however, is sometimes employed not to distinguish its substantive from other things of the same kind, but a part of itself from another part, thus, extrema pāgina signifies the bottom of the page, not the last page.
What adjectives want the positive?
What adjectives want the comparative?
What adjectives want the superlative?
What adjectives are not susceptible of comparison by inflection?
How are these adjectives compared?
What is the superlative of prior?
What is the English of ōcissimus?
What is the Latin for rather near?
What is the positive of jūnior?
What does extremus imply when used in its limited sense?
 servāmus, we watch.
 putāmus, we think.
 cōgitāmus, we consider.
 appellāmus, we call.
 habitāmus, we dwell or live.
 habēmus, we have.
 vidēmus, we see.
 solēmus, we are accustomed.
 pendēmus, we depend.
 fugimus, we shun.
 accipimus, we get or receive.
 dormīmus, we sleep.
 pūnīmus, we punish.
 crēvimus, we observed.
 audīvīmus, we heard.
 servātis, you watch.
 putātis, you think.
 cōgitātis, you consider.
 appellātis, you call.
 habitātis, you dwell.
 habētis, you have.
 vidētis, you see.
 solētis, you are accustomed.
 pendētis, you depend.
 fugitis, you shun.
 accipitis, you get or receive.
 dormītis, you sleep.
 punitis, you punish.
 crēvistis, you observed.
 audīvistis, you heard.
 Mors ultimus est gradus.
  Death is the last step (of life).
 Ultima finis est fertilis.
  The most remote limit is fertile.
 Extremus olim erat mensis Februarius, nunc est December.
  Formerly the month of February was the last month (of the year), now it is December.
 Limes extremus nequaquam est finis.
  The most outward boundary is by no means the end.
 Ego sum Alpha et Omega, principium et finis, primus et ultimus.
  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
 Popilius vicinus proximus est meus.
  Popilius is my nearest neighbour.
 Limen superum inferumque, salve!
  Hail, threshold (both) above and below!
 Mors quam fama plerumque propior est.
  Death is generally nearer than fame.
 Voluntas quam fulmen ocior est.
  The will is swifter than lightning.
 Ulterior ripa quam haec formosior est.
  The opposite shore is more beautiful than this.
 Unus rex olim Siculus praeclarus fuit Dionysius prior.
  There was formerly a very illustrious Sicilian king, Dionysius the First.
 Maxima respublica non semper est tuta.
  The greatest republic is not always safe.
 Sol est major ampliorque quam terra universa.
  The sun is larger and more spacious than the whole earth.
 Saepe laboriosior est negligentia quam diligentia.
  Negligence is often more fatiguing than diligence.
 Nulla injuria quam deceptio est capitalior.
  No wrong is more culpable than deceit.
 Si rex vester severior esset, populus esset beatior quam nunc est.
  If your king were more severe, the people would be happier than they now are.
 Frequentissima olim urbs non solum Roma erat, sed positio erat saluberrima.
  Rome was formerly not only a most populous city, but its position was very wholesome.
 Socrates honestissimus sapientissimusque homo erat.
  Socrates was a most honourable and very wise man.
 Alexander Magnus vir quidem erat bellicosissimus, rex vero nequaquam prudens.
  Alexander the Great was certainly a most warlike man, but he was by no means a prudent king.
 Si Alexander magis sobrius fuisset, multo fuisset beatior.
  If Alexander had been more temperate, he would have been much happier.
 Phocion quam consul non quidem major erat, sed illustrior etiamque honoratior.
  Phocion was not indeed greater than the consul, but he was more illustrious and also more honourable.
 nant, they swim.
 amant, they love.
 occultant, they hide.
 allevant, they assist.
 jūvant, they delight.
 fulgent, they shine.
 nitent, they shine.
 latent, they lurk.
 dēcidunt, they fall or drop down.
 quaerunt, they seek.
 faciunt, they do, make, or cause.
 dēfendunt, they defend.
 cēdunt, they pass away.
 colunt, they worship.
 veniunt. they come.
 extant, they exist, or are.
 nōlunt, they are unwilling.
 feriunt, they strike.
 pariunt, they breed.
 nāvērunt, they swam, or have swum.
 superārunt,1 they surpassed.
 dedērunt, dedere,2 they gave, or have given, also they gave up, or abandoned.
 docuērunt, they taught.
 habuērunt, they had.
 coluērunt, they worshipped.
 pervenērunt, they reached.
 dēfēcerant, they had revolted.
 (1) The perfect indicative active of the Latin verbs is very often contracted thus, amasti, amastis, amārunt, for amāvisti, amāvīstis, amāvērunt; so audii, audiisti, audiit, etc., for audīvi, audīvisti, audīvit.
 (2) The third person plural perfect indicative is also very often contracted into -ēre, as amāvere for amāvērunt, or amārunt. This contraction is generally marked by a circumflex accent, thusamavêre.
The next house is on fire.
  Proxima domus ardet.
The bank that is opposite is the most beautiful.
  Quae ripa ulterior est pulcherrima.
The last step is always the easiest.
  Gradus extremus semper est facillimus.
Ireland was formerly the most remote country.
  Extrema civitas olim Hibernia erat.
Rome is nearer to us than Carthage.
  Roma quam Carthago propior nobis est.
The best wall is that, which is firmest.
  Optimus est murus, qui est firmissimus.
Fertile is more valuable than sterile land.
  Terra fertilis pretiosior est quam terra sterilis.
Your mother is more severe than mine, who is very lenient.
  Mater tua severior est quam mea, quae valde lenis est.
Nothing is more unjust than an ignorant man.
  Nihil injustius est quam homo imperitus.
What can be more beautiful than a cluster of grapes?
  Quid pulchrius esse potest quam uva?
Gold is a great deal more precious than silver.
  Multo pretiosius aurum quam argentum.
A large garden is more useful than a small one, if the large is as good as the small one.
  Hortus magnus utilior est quam hortus parvus, si magnus aeque est bonus ac parvus.
The son is sometimes richer than the father.
  Filius saepe quam pater est ditior.
The Greek language is more difficult than the Latin.
  Lingua Graeca difficilior est quam Latina.
Your brother is more learned than mine, though he is learned enough.
  Frater vester doctior est quam meus, quamquam etiam is satis est doctus.
War is always bad, but one war may be worse than another.
  Bellum semper malum est, unum tamen pejus quam alterum esse potest.
The ambassador is illustrious, the consul is more illustrious, but the praetor is the most illustrious.
  Legatus est illustris, consul est illustrior, praetor autem illustrissimus.
 debemus, we ought, should, must.
 debetis, you ought, should, must.
 debent, they ought, should, must.
 possumus, we may, can, or are able.
 potestis, you may, can, or are able.
 possunt, they may, can, or are able.
 volumus, we will, wish, desire, choose, like.
 vultis, you will, wish, desire, choose, like.
 volunt, they will, wish, desire, choose, like.
The singuiar present indicative forms of debere, posse, and velle, are given in First Course.
 Hic numerus idem est?
  Is this the same number?
 Et numerus et pondus vero idem est.
  Yes, the number as well as the weight is the same.
 Historia monitrix est muta.
  History is a silent monitor.
 Aura humida raro est sana.
  A humid breeze is rarely a healthy one.
 Ut haec positio laeta est, sic illa est infamis.
  As this position is cheerful, so that is detestable.
 Tanta felicitas nequaquam erat expectata.
  So much felicity was by no means expected.
 Hoc vallum tam crassum non est quam alterum.
  This rampart is not so thick as the other.
 Tua diligentia est permagna, tua probitas quidem non ita.
  Your diligence is very great, but your probity is certainly not so.
 Animus contentus semper lenis est et serenus.
  A contented mind is always calm and gentle.
 Caesar melius est notus quam Hannibal, Roma quam Carthago.
  Caesar is better known than Hannibal, Rome than Carthage.
 Londinum urbs est ingens, sed non pulchra.
  London is a vast, but not a beautiful city.
 Veritas est laudanda, infame autem mendacium.
  Truth is praiseworthy, but falsehood is detestable.
 Res omnia mutabilis est, tamen omnia res est aeterna.
  Everything is changeable, yet everything is eternal.
 Liber clarissimus esse debet, obscurus nunquam.
  A book should be very intelligible, never obscure.
 Non omnis liber optimus est, nec omnis liber pessimus.
  Every book is not very good, nor is every book very bad.
 Liber utilis etiamsi jucundus esse potest.
  A book may be amusing and useful also.
 Quamquam auctor est gravis, liber quidem jucundus esse potest.
  Although an author is grave, his book may be amusing.
 Quamquam notus, auctor pessimus esse potest.
  An author, although known, may be very bad.
 Praestans non semper notus est auctor.
  An eminent author is not always known.
 Auctor quamquam notus non semper laudandus est, nec qui liber est notus omnis est utilis.
  An author, though known, is not always worthy of praise, nor is every book that is known useful.
 Non omnis liber utilis notus est, nec omnis auctor praestans celeber.
  Every book that is known is not useful, nor is every good author famous.
 coenābo, I shall sup.
 coenābis. thou shall sup, you shall sup.
 coenābit, he shall sup.
 dīcam, I shall say.
 dīcis, thou shalt say, you shall say.
 dīcet, he shall say.
 confirmābimus, we shall confirm.
 confirmābitis, you shall confirm.
 confirmābunt, they shall confirm.
 cēlābo, I shall conceal.
 canam, cantābam, l shall sing.
 canet, he shall sing.
 vidēbo, I shall see.
 vidēbis, thou shalt see, you shall see.
 vidēbit, he shall see.
 sciam, I shall know.
 sciēs, thou shalt know, you shall know.
 sciet, he shall know.
 dēcēdēmus, we shall depart.
 dēcēdētis, you shall depart.
 dēcēdēnt, they shall depart.
 sufferam, I shall suffer.
 reddam, I shall deliver, or get ready.
 offendam, I shall offend.
When shall you sup?
  Quando coenabis?
I shall see you as often as I can.
  Te videbo quoties possum.
You are not so exemplary as you were.
  Tam egregius non es, quam eras.
The old man is often more industrious than the youth.
  Senex saepe magis est industrius quam juvenis.
The vestal virgin was a Roman priestess.
  Virgo vestalis Romana erat sacerdos.
Friendship is a very gentle bond.
  Mitissimum amicitia vinculum est.
Hunger is a most delicious sauce.
  Condimentum fames est dulcissimum.
Sweet water is better than sour wine.
  Melior aqua dulcis quam acre vinum.
Which of the two is the boy called Philip?
  Uter est puer, qui Philippus dicitur?
Is this the tree that is called the alder?
  Haec est arbor, quae alnus dicitur?
That seems to be the creature called a dolphin.
  Illud animal videtur esse, qui delphinus dicitur.
Where there is a temple, there, there is consecrated ground.
  Ubi templum, ibi solum consecratum.
O poverty, how dismal you are!
  O paupertas, ut tu es infamis!
What calamity so bitter as exile?
  Quae pestis tam acris ut exul?
Every author ought to be true and sincere.
  Omnis auctor fidelis et sincerus esse debet.
If the author is not trustworthy and sincere, the book is dangerous.
  Si auctor non certus est et sincerus, liber est periculosus.
A man that is false and base, cannot be a good author.
  Homo qui est mendax turpisque, auctor non bonus esse potest.
If Cicero had not been trustworthy and earnest, he would not be so much admired as he is now.
  Si Cicero non certus solicitusque, fuisset, non tam amatus esset, quam nunc est.
Every modern author is not earnest and trustworthy, therefore every book is not good and useful.
  Omnis auctor hodiernus solicitus certusque non est, ergo non omnis liber bonus et utilis est.
Would that every modern author were earnest and trustworthy, and that every book were good and useful!
  Utinam omnis auctor hodiernus solicitus et certus esset, atque omnis liber hodiernus bonus et utilis esset!
For what is more precious than a good and useful book, or what man is more praiseworthy than a diligent and faithful author?
  Nam quid magis pretiosum quam liber bonus utilisque, aut quis homo magis laudandus quam auctor diligens et fidelis.
  Namというのも/なぜなら quid(一体全体)なぜ?/どのように?(2)[n単主/対]何(what /which)|何か(any /anything |some /something)(3)[n単主/対]~するもの magisより大きく/より以上/むしろ pretiosum[m単対]|[n単主/呼/対]高価な/貴重な quam~よりも(比較級で/=than)/可能な限り(最上級の前で/= as...as possible)/どのように/どのくらい/なんと/quam...tam (the more...the more)(2)[f単対]~する人(3)[f単対]どの/どのような|どれだけ(which /what /what kind of|) liber[m単主/呼]本(2)[m単主/呼]リーベル(ローマの神/生産と豊穣の神)(3)[m単主/呼]自由な/子供(pl.)(4)[1単/接/受/現在]触れる/すくう/(草を)はむ/(儀礼上)献酒をつぐ/ちびちび飲む/味見/試飲/試食する bonus[m単主]良い/善い utilis[m/f単主/呼/属|複対]|[n単属]役に立つ/有用な/有益なqueと/も/そして, autあるいは/もしくは(排他的/異種接続)|aut...aut (= either...or) quis[m/f単主]誰/何(who /whose /whom /what /which)|誰/何か(any /anyone /anything |some /someone /something)(2)[m/f/n複与/奪]~する人/もの(3)[2単/直/能/現在](queo)~できる homo[c単主/呼]人/人間 magisより大きく/より以上/むしろ laudandus[m単主](動形容詞)讃える/賞賛する/称揚する quam~よりも(比較級で/=than)/可能な限り(最上級の前で/= as...as possible)/どのように/どのくらい/なんと/quam...tam (the more...the more)(2)[f単対]~する人(3)[f単対]どの/どのような|どれだけ(which /what /what kind of|) auctor[c単主/呼]推進/促進者/旗振り役/興行主/プロモーター/生産/製造者/プロデューサー/創始/先駆者/祖先/親/作者/著者/歴史家 diligens[m/f単主/呼]|[n単主/呼/対]勤勉な/注意深い/綿密/精密な/献身的な|質素な/経済的な(2)[m/f単主/呼]|[n単主/呼/対](現在分詞)愛する/好む/重んずる/尊重する etと/も/そして fidelis[m/f単主/呼/属|複対]|[n単属]信用/信頼できる/忠実な/貞節な/誠実な/偽りのない/真剣な.